Well Pure Country, of course you should vote for the party you think is best...that is your right.
In reality, in your neck of the woods(and mine) the only guy going to Ottawa is going to be a Conservative under our present system?
I do feel it is important for every western Canadian to send a message to Ottawa that we are not happy campers and we don't support Liberal theft and policies that rip us off! I would hope that the Liberal vote would be restricted to the ivory tower crowd who live in dreamland anyway! And hopefully the Liberal lap dogs, the NDP, get very few votes!
In reality, in your neck of the woods(and mine) the only guy going to Ottawa is going to be a Conservative under our present system?
I do feel it is important for every western Canadian to send a message to Ottawa that we are not happy campers and we don't support Liberal theft and policies that rip us off! I would hope that the Liberal vote would be restricted to the ivory tower crowd who live in dreamland anyway! And hopefully the Liberal lap dogs, the NDP, get very few votes!