Lower income families don't pay tax of any kind? First I heard of it.
You're trying to compare your business, I assume in existence to make a profit, to senior citizens just trying to keep a roof over their head.
If you're unable to work, like many senior citizens, why are you trying to farm? It's much cheaper to feed you personally than feed you <b>and</b> your business.
You still haven't answered the question. Why do you feel it's okay to extort money from janitors making $10.00/hr, and single mothers working two jobs to feed their kids, to keep your business going?
You're trying to compare your business, I assume in existence to make a profit, to senior citizens just trying to keep a roof over their head.
If you're unable to work, like many senior citizens, why are you trying to farm? It's much cheaper to feed you personally than feed you <b>and</b> your business.
You still haven't answered the question. Why do you feel it's okay to extort money from janitors making $10.00/hr, and single mothers working two jobs to feed their kids, to keep your business going?