I thought I'd start a new topic in regards to cowman's post in the carcass weight thread asking if a 450 pd calf will make you money every year.Cowman,I think you better seriously ask yourself if an 800 pd calf is profitable every year.
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to listen to Kit Pharo speak.I believe this guy has the beef business figured out.
What he spoke about was your land base can only produce so many pds of beef in a year no matter what,so why wouldn't you want to harvest that beef in smaller packages and get more dollars per pound for every pd of beef you sell?Combining that with later calving putting your cow in sinc with nature you can feed her for next to nothing all winter.Sure sounds like common sense?
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to listen to Kit Pharo speak.I believe this guy has the beef business figured out.
What he spoke about was your land base can only produce so many pds of beef in a year no matter what,so why wouldn't you want to harvest that beef in smaller packages and get more dollars per pound for every pd of beef you sell?Combining that with later calving putting your cow in sinc with nature you can feed her for next to nothing all winter.Sure sounds like common sense?