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cowman are you on?

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    cowman are you on?

    I know it's been awhile, I died but the devil sent me back to finish my sentence up here. Do any of you have any idea what the land rent prices are going to be or should be in this area in the comeing season? Pasture land and crop land prices if you have any predictions would sure be appreciated. Hope you all have been well. Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Well whiteface I don't have any hard and fast figures but I don't think it is coming down? A fair bit of hay was seeded last year as more and more grain farmers decide they just aren't making any money! $760/t N prices and $1.85 barley have a way of getting people wondering what the hell they are doing!
    I've only heard one guy say he gave his hay renter a break this past year...refunded $20 acre on $80/acre rent...but only if he continued renting in 2006 at $80! A good crop(4 tons)but put up in poor shape...worth $17/bale asking price or $136/acre! Of course the hay is still sitting there so who knows what he will get? By the way the fertilizer bill was over $50/acre! Not too much money to be made there?
    Pasture hasn't changed at all. Still right in that $30/cow/month...if you keep up the fences and pay before you turn them in! Ten guys lined up for anything on the market! A lot of pastures were empty last year as so many small guys baled out of cows. Most are not even interested in renting it out as they often get screwed by absentee renters! Just let it sit or maybe this year they will rip it up.


      Thanks cowman! I had a guy try to convince me the other day that rental prices were in the tank, you know, cause cow and hay prices are in the tank. Down to $15 a pair or $45 an acre. I shook my head and said if he knows anyone willing to give it up for that let me know so I can put my "pets" on it. He sure didn't have a list of names ready for me. I suspect he'd sure like to rent for that kind of money but hey, we all would. Fact is, just ain't going to happen around here with the value of the dirt and all the added oil money flying around. Price of land is now waaaay beyond what makes economic sense to keep cows or raise any crop but that's the western lifestyle that we love. Appreciate the post cowman! Be good all! Have a good day!


        whiteface: And usually the further away the renter is the cheaper he gets! There is usually a reason for that too...he doesn't pay or badly abuses the land! He has got to the place where his neighbors don't even want to see the SOB!
        There are a lot of cheapskates and scoundrels around looking for a deal. You'll always find them? They usually end up in a position where nobody wants to deal with them!
        As you said with the economy rocking and rolling in this area you don't need to accept peanuts for land rent...lots of oil and gas money looking for a home right now!


          I have a brother inlaw just east of Red Deer and he rented his land only 100 acres for $40 for 3 yr . The last 3 renters have all gone under or had to downsize. He was getting as high as $60 last yr was $55 but he is still wating for the last 1/2.


            2 years ago I rented my crop land out for $55/acre paid upfront. I am just north of Lacombe. Around here that price can go way up if anywhere near a potato guy, I have heard over $100/acre west of town but know for sure of $85/acre just east of town.


              Really appreciate that guys. Not looking to rip anyone off just need to know what the rates are like out there. Like I mentioned, I don't necessarily figure on cattle justifying the price of the rents but for many who will offer these rents it's the "lifestyle" of being able to have your own space with a few horses or other "pet" livestock on them. The people who make real cash doing jobs that we need just as much as we need food are willing to outbid the land just for a place to crash at the end of their hard days. This highway 2 corridor is highly sought after and it sounds to me from just about everywhere like the rents are going through the roof. Thank you for that input. Have a good day all!


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