Interesting to hear the price difference Kato, yet another example of "free enterprise" Alberta subsidising their producers at a higher rate than their "leftist, welfare loving" neighbours in Sask and Manitoba!Still, as long as the rednecks think they are free enterprise operators as they cash the Gov. cheques the "Alberta advantage" illusion goes on.
Cowman: "The other thing that was good about the Alberta government system of paying $225/animal was it stopped all the scoundrels from paying 10 cents a pound for cows? Now they either pay a floor price or old bossy goes into the program and the coyotes get a free meal!" I think you are describing a program we might have had (The Scott Lees/Bob Church plan) rather than the one we actually have. Plenty of cows have made 10 cents or less as the current plan does not by any means fix a base price. Vets in my experience do not put down things that are not in really poor shape to collect the $225.
Maybe you haven't sold any cows in the last couple of years?
Cowman: "The other thing that was good about the Alberta government system of paying $225/animal was it stopped all the scoundrels from paying 10 cents a pound for cows? Now they either pay a floor price or old bossy goes into the program and the coyotes get a free meal!" I think you are describing a program we might have had (The Scott Lees/Bob Church plan) rather than the one we actually have. Plenty of cows have made 10 cents or less as the current plan does not by any means fix a base price. Vets in my experience do not put down things that are not in really poor shape to collect the $225.
Maybe you haven't sold any cows in the last couple of years?