To answer the question before on how a cow born in 2000 could be infected:
It only takes 1/1000th of a gram of the infected feed to infect an animal. This small of an amount is indetectible to the human eye. It could have been lingering in some storage containers or bins and infected the cow. This could happen even if the farmer cleaned all the old feed out. To properly disinfect you would have to take apart and sanitize every part,building,and equipment that would have come into contact with the infected substance.
It only takes 1/1000th of a gram of the infected feed to infect an animal. This small of an amount is indetectible to the human eye. It could have been lingering in some storage containers or bins and infected the cow. This could happen even if the farmer cleaned all the old feed out. To properly disinfect you would have to take apart and sanitize every part,building,and equipment that would have come into contact with the infected substance.