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Direct sales chance, good returns, one problem? Halal

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    Direct sales chance, good returns, one problem? Halal

    Looking for a bit of opinion from those that post here.
    I've always sold some fats to friends for their frezers directly the late calves or ones that don't fit the big packages, it started out as a 2-4 year and is up around 8-10. Lots of years it's more hassle than not ,having to feed a few late ones when the rest are shipped and we're into the grain side of things.
    Last year through one of these customers wive's, we sold a half to a new customer. No problems there , they loved the beef, after all it's certified angus, home raised 21-26 day aged good stuff we all take for granted but city folks don't get to buy to often.
    Now here's the situation this new customer phoned last night saying she'd shared some at some function with some of her family and friends and they were all wanting some after tasting it, 5 animals to start.
    Thats no problem because I charge the market price plus a nice premium so the dollars are good and her thought was it may expand in the future. Something we'd all like right? Direct sales to the end user at a strong premium.

    The problem is these people are all practicing Muslims and they would want the beef Halal, it's not the religon I have a problem with.
    It's the fact that in doing an animal halal and observing the muslim rites of the processing of the animal. The animal is not stunned when it is killed. It is turned to face Mecca a prayer of offering is said and the animal is then slaughtered by cutting it's throat and allowing it to bleed out.
    It may sound ridiculous but I am have difficulty with the animal not being stunned, this could grow into a lucrative market but???

    Comments anyone. Yes and I know I'm too attached to these dang things 250 at a time each year.
    Thanks in advance.

    You know, JD, I'm not back on here for good, I have just too much other stuff on my plate to spend the kind of time on here that I used to, but in checking back recently on anyone haveing opinions on what kind of rent the land is worth around here and seeing your post, it sends enough rage and emotion through me that I'll venture a comment.
    No way in hell do I support that kind of treatment to these animals. I'm not figureing for one second that I have any power to change that some animals will always be killed this way or disrespecting that all people have the right to choose their religion or way of life. These animals do not get a choice and we are absolutly responsible for their care and welfare. If you don't want to provide that to them, I say you shouldn't have them Not ever, would any animal that has supported my family and been good to me in the form of providing me with income, a beautiful farm to raise my kids, something productive to do with my time and the sheer enjoyment of raising and careing for the livestock to provide food for other people ever be treated in such an inhumane and in my opinion disrespectful manner. Yes, I get totally that these people "think" they're being completeley respectful but don't even get me started on any kind of religion, I think they're all cults with some holyer than thou leader dictating exactly what they should think, what they should do and don't question the "boss's" authority. Don't we call that kind of absolute rule a dictatorship. Didn't we just overthrow that kind of useless government because it simply don't work.
    In any event, y'all do what you have to do. I don't need you to do what I do, JD, I'll still like you, but you asked my opinion and no, it'll be one frosty Friday in hell before any of my animals that have served me well would ever be permitted to end his life that way. I don't care how much you pay me...besides, was it money why we all got into this? I doubt it. You can all throw stones at me if you need to, don't know that I'll be around much to catch them and even if I was, I've never really cared to scrap on here much anyway. Haven't ever found it especially productive, but I find walking off in a hissy fit just as ridiculous, grassfarmer and kpb, I had more respect for both of you than that. Have an opinion, stand by it unless presented with a better arguement but be civil and put a lid on the temper tantrums. Can't be that hard unless you just love being a right fighter...but if you are, that's your choice also. Have a good day all and thanks for reading.


      Don't pass up the sale. Just find a reputable abattoir that is set up for the religious slaughtering that they want. Not sure where you're at, but I know that several in Manitoba that have done it, but mostly near Winnipeg.


        The plant we use here as we are close to a major urban center already does do halal on a set day, I'm simply struggling with the idea of it it just is not something I really agree with. I'll get it figured out, thanks for the replies.


          Well spoken whiteface I could agree more. Farmers are not in it just for the money. I figure it's a duty to all animals one keeps to always do your best for them. Even when I work at a 3500 head feedlot I always tried to treat every animal humainly. The one thing I hated was trying to remove one sick one out of a pen of 200, we chased them out with a quad and sometimes they had trouble finding their way out of the pen. Chasing a sick animal for 20 minutes is not smart. That is why now on my own farm I am building a fence 14' behind my bunk fence, then I'll throw two gates on the ends and I have them all caught to run through the alley that runs along side the corral. Horse's might be another option but I just don't trust them. Animals in ones care should never intentionally suffer. At least thats the way I see it.


            I wouldn't get all bent out of shape about it. The old regular method of the stun gun isn't all that pretty either? Anyone who ever worked in a packing house can tell you they aren't all dead by the time they come to the sticker!
            Cut their throat and they die pretty fast? One big gush and its all over.
            I'd be more concerned with who's operating the hotshot to get them in the killing box.


              Well you will certainly get the chance to see how comfortable you really are with other persons beleifs.

              So often we think we are accepting and open minded, but when the chips really come down, the end result may be different.

              You certainly have the free choice to decide, as does the halal meat users.

              Personally, I'd take the business, and the opportunity to broaden the horizon.


                Try putting Halal slaughter in Google and read about some of the research from Hanover Univesity in Germany or look at Temple Grandin's work on differant methods of slaughter.Halal may if done right cause less pain than many think . A friend in the lamb bussiness had to get over this or lose a large part of of his sales in Ontario as many of the plants here sell to the ethnic market . Bruce


                  I know Bruce the fact is that our demographics in Canada have changed and especially in the MTV area this is where I do see growth for direct sales or value added into the different multicultural communities.
                  I will make my decision likely on my own, I was more curious to what the sentiment out there would be on an issue like this. We all accept the fact that the animals we raise most often do not live their full"natural " life before being processed its the reality of the business.
                  Thanks for the reply


                    I have killed a lot of animals in my day - but here I go sticking my foot in it for sure.

                    I also have served in certain sandy countries.

                    Screw the sale!

                    I put too much time and effort into the cattle. I also actually LIKE the animals - even though we send them off to slaughter.

                    Studies, schmuddies. You can make numbers and studies say absolutely anything. If the animals are going to die, at least do the killing proper.

                    Those folks get it done the usual way or they go elsewhere for their animals.

                    Seems to me that the "cruel rancher" as PETA would have us known has nothing on this type of treatment.


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