Looking for a bit of opinion from those that post here.
I've always sold some fats to friends for their frezers directly the late calves or ones that don't fit the big packages, it started out as a 2-4 year and is up around 8-10. Lots of years it's more hassle than not ,having to feed a few late ones when the rest are shipped and we're into the grain side of things.
Last year through one of these customers wive's, we sold a half to a new customer. No problems there , they loved the beef, after all it's certified angus, home raised 21-26 day aged good stuff we all take for granted but city folks don't get to buy to often.
Now here's the situation this new customer phoned last night saying she'd shared some at some function with some of her family and friends and they were all wanting some after tasting it, 5 animals to start.
Thats no problem because I charge the market price plus a nice premium so the dollars are good and her thought was it may expand in the future. Something we'd all like right? Direct sales to the end user at a strong premium.
The problem is these people are all practicing Muslims and they would want the beef Halal, it's not the religon I have a problem with.
It's the fact that in doing an animal halal and observing the muslim rites of the processing of the animal. The animal is not stunned when it is killed. It is turned to face Mecca a prayer of offering is said and the animal is then slaughtered by cutting it's throat and allowing it to bleed out.
It may sound ridiculous but I am have difficulty with the animal not being stunned, this could grow into a lucrative market but???
Comments anyone. Yes and I know I'm too attached to these dang things 250 at a time each year.
Thanks in advance.
I've always sold some fats to friends for their frezers directly the late calves or ones that don't fit the big packages, it started out as a 2-4 year and is up around 8-10. Lots of years it's more hassle than not ,having to feed a few late ones when the rest are shipped and we're into the grain side of things.
Last year through one of these customers wive's, we sold a half to a new customer. No problems there , they loved the beef, after all it's certified angus, home raised 21-26 day aged good stuff we all take for granted but city folks don't get to buy to often.
Now here's the situation this new customer phoned last night saying she'd shared some at some function with some of her family and friends and they were all wanting some after tasting it, 5 animals to start.
Thats no problem because I charge the market price plus a nice premium so the dollars are good and her thought was it may expand in the future. Something we'd all like right? Direct sales to the end user at a strong premium.
The problem is these people are all practicing Muslims and they would want the beef Halal, it's not the religon I have a problem with.
It's the fact that in doing an animal halal and observing the muslim rites of the processing of the animal. The animal is not stunned when it is killed. It is turned to face Mecca a prayer of offering is said and the animal is then slaughtered by cutting it's throat and allowing it to bleed out.
It may sound ridiculous but I am have difficulty with the animal not being stunned, this could grow into a lucrative market but???
Comments anyone. Yes and I know I'm too attached to these dang things 250 at a time each year.
Thanks in advance.