cowman- USDA went about the program wrong by trying to federally mandate it- then worsened the situation by trying to give it to one Political Action Group (NCBA) to run...That has set M-ID back a few years...
M-ID will come to be..USDA is doing it right now by allowing the states to set up their own systems (under federal guidelines).. The states can build their own system or join with existing private systems...Montana has gone with e-merge dataabase I see...USDA possibly didn't have the authority and definitely didn't have the ability to enforce and/or police it and probably was illegal in trying to give it to any ONE private group (NCBA)...
Frenchie doesn't understand it- But our government (a Republic) was built around the idea of strong state governments and a weak (?) Federal government which most view as having gotten too powerful...People (and especially rural land owners) have little trust when someone shows up at your door and says "We're from the Federal Guverment and we're here to help you!!!"
The state governments have the constitutional ability to mandate it and enforce it- but USDA and NCBA's playing games have set it back a few years..
M-ID will come to be..USDA is doing it right now by allowing the states to set up their own systems (under federal guidelines).. The states can build their own system or join with existing private systems...Montana has gone with e-merge dataabase I see...USDA possibly didn't have the authority and definitely didn't have the ability to enforce and/or police it and probably was illegal in trying to give it to any ONE private group (NCBA)...
Frenchie doesn't understand it- But our government (a Republic) was built around the idea of strong state governments and a weak (?) Federal government which most view as having gotten too powerful...People (and especially rural land owners) have little trust when someone shows up at your door and says "We're from the Federal Guverment and we're here to help you!!!"
The state governments have the constitutional ability to mandate it and enforce it- but USDA and NCBA's playing games have set it back a few years..