There was a time when you took in your calves to the mart and the auctioneer said things like "home bred and raised" or "straight bred out of those good bulls" and other assorted drivel...and it brought you a premium! Are those days over or do they still apply?
Now over the years I have sat in on quite a few feeder sales. When the first pre sort sales started up they were sort of a joke used by really small guys. Then they started to catch on and I will tell you I sure don't miss hauling in feed for calves so they wouldn't shrink out in a big way! Or having to keep back anything that was a bit OFF so as not to ruin the "reputation"!
Or sitting in the mart all hours waiting for your calves to sell? When that old fall run was on that might be at 2AM! Now with the presort 3500 calves sell in less than 3 hours.
Sometimes some old boy who is proud of his cattle will sell his as a group seperate from the presort cattle? Usually the mart accomodates him. I don't think I've ever seen him do better than the presort cattle?
Now I don't know if it just my local mart or if this is now the preferred way to sell cattle? Without a doubt the Innisfail mart does a top job of sorting and the buyers appreciate that and the area has a good reputation for quality crossbred cattle.
Now over the years I have sat in on quite a few feeder sales. When the first pre sort sales started up they were sort of a joke used by really small guys. Then they started to catch on and I will tell you I sure don't miss hauling in feed for calves so they wouldn't shrink out in a big way! Or having to keep back anything that was a bit OFF so as not to ruin the "reputation"!
Or sitting in the mart all hours waiting for your calves to sell? When that old fall run was on that might be at 2AM! Now with the presort 3500 calves sell in less than 3 hours.
Sometimes some old boy who is proud of his cattle will sell his as a group seperate from the presort cattle? Usually the mart accomodates him. I don't think I've ever seen him do better than the presort cattle?
Now I don't know if it just my local mart or if this is now the preferred way to sell cattle? Without a doubt the Innisfail mart does a top job of sorting and the buyers appreciate that and the area has a good reputation for quality crossbred cattle.