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bull sales

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    I suspect you might be right grassfarmer. I think the dairy business is pretty well saturated, at least around here. A lot of the European dairy farmers that came in thought a 100 cow herd was pretty big, but are now realizing maybe not near big enough? And that old quota at $35,000/cow can be a challenge!
    Now personally I'd rather sell crack cocaine than milk cows or feed pigs but to each his own?
    It does seem rather foolish to scrap about the only bright spots in Canadian agriculture, but there is a lot of pressure coming from south of the border to get rid of supply management.
    Believe it or not the Canadian beef industry(and pork industry) were offered supply management once but turned it down? I wonder where we'd be today if we had accepted?


      "Now personally I'd rather sell crack cocaine than milk cows or feed pigs but to each his own?"

      I have a hard time visualizing you as homeboy on the street corner...LOL


        Good LORD cowman I hope you never have to make the choice !!!!


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