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New labs?

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    New labs?

    Two new labs are opening in Alberta for disease control. The Prion Research Institute in Calgary($35 million) and the Level 3 Biocontainment lab in Edmonton($14 million)...both paid for by...you guessed it..the Alberta government! Sure is nice to know we have to pick up the ball when the useless federal government won't live up to their responsibilities?
    But whatever, these investments will put Alberta on the cutting edge of disease control! Why we might be even able to help our poor lost brothers in Montana so they won't have to keep hiding their mad cows out in the back forty!

    The only problem I have with referendums is the majority could literally take away the rights of the minority? So for example the wing dings in Toronto, Montreal etc. could vote to take away our property with no compensation? Don't laugh...probably those knuckleheads would vote to confiscate the old .22 or shotgun, if they got the chance?
    The other thing I might wonder about is who decides what should go to a referendum? I believe the majority of the people in Canada think scum like Paul Bernardo should take a ride on old Sparky...but it is unlikely the snivelling politicians would ever let the people decide that kind of thing?
    Obviously the present system has some problems? The weak kneed politicians have let a bunch of Liberal elitists called the supreme court do their dirty work? So we end up with fruitcakes marrying and the slaughter of the unborn?
    How about we elect people who are statesmen instead of money grubbers and low lifes? A good first step might be to not allow any lawyers to run for public office! Why let the bottom feeders run the country?


      "The only problem I have with referendums is the majority could literally take away the rights of the minority? So for example the wing dings in Toronto, Montreal etc. could vote to take away our property with no compensation? "

      That is mob rule...what we have now!

      A long with the "let the people decide" concept must also be the "rule of law" (as apposed to mob) where by the individuals rigths AND responsabilities are spelt out.


        I do agree with you that what we have is mob rule, that is the definition of a democracy?
        And of course a better system is a republic where the rights of the individual are supreme.
        The problem of course is who interprets those rights? And in reality with out property rights...do we have any real rights?
        The Canadian charter of rights was flawed from the beginning because it did not include property rights. It was further eroded when a group of "eliteists" were able to add to those rights whenever they felt like it...without the support of Parliment or the general population? Thus we got sexual orientation written in...although there was no mention at all in the original document?
        So in reality who rules the country? The people or an appointed elite?


          cowman- You better make that lab construction top priority- whats this make now 5, 6, 10?- I lost count with a new one showing up every couple of months- I wonder if this will be POST feedban like the last couple.......


          March 8, 2006


          OTTAWA--Scientists are studying samples in a possible new case of mad cow disease after a preliminary test showed a 'presumptive positive,'' a Canadian Food Inspection Agency official said Sunday. Results of more rigorous tests could be available this week.



            I think your papers in Houston are a little slow in reporting the news...
            You would think that if is a news release from the Governement you could find it on a website somewhere but the last thing on any BSE case is this from the Canadian Food Inspections Agency website:

            Latest Information (as of March 3, 2006 - 13:30 EST)
            The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has concluded its investigation into the case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) confirmed on January 22, 2006. No additional cases of the disease were detected during the investigation.
            A complete summary of the investigation is available on the CFIA’s Website

            I think your papers down there have to get brought up to speed with the idea of reporting the news "as it happens" not 2.5 months after the fact.


              Maybe the delay in reporting is a good thing...It just shows what everyone but R-Calf already knows. A new BSE case is not unexpected therefore it is only newsworthy when they have space to fill 2.5 months after that case emerges.

              I think BSE is not on the radar screen in the US consumers mind and really never has been!!!


                When is the US going to lift it's ban on UK beef products Willowcreek? A ban that's been on since 1997 - given that the rest of Europe is set to resume live imports of UK cattle? Given that you have cases of your own how can you really justify a ban on UK products? At least they identify and remove BSE animals from their herd unlike the US which appears happy to feed their citizins suspect product under the SSS program.


                  Well Willowcreek, it is good to see you survived the two week winter we suddenly got? I was beginning to think you must have froze or something? Had to take the shot at Montana to see if you were still up and kicking!
                  But rest assured we'll probably sneak your samples in the back door at the new labs...if you are so inclined! And on top of that we won't even hold it against you or rant away in the papers about how you're evil and out to destroy the world! LOL
                  Hope you are wintering well and getting ready for the new calf crop?


                    Been busy cowman- spring has sprung...Went up to the summer pasture by the border yesterday and it looks great-- water running out of every coulee and still a lot of snow to melt...Even quite a bit sitting in the stubble....

                    I did have to put that there for your benefit...Now that article has started a debate on if it really was a mistake by the paper or did someone from CFIA leak new info that CFIA is covering up?

                    Maybe CFIA is taking lessons from the USDA-Eh........


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