cowman and blackjack, thanks for your kind words. Although I have stopped posting I do still enjoy reading the threads frequently and chuckling at the give and take.
I'm happy that we didn't buy any backgrounders for the first time in a long time but I will likely buy grassers in a couple of months. I don't think we'll make money on them but I've got lots of rough pasture in excess of what I need for the cows and what else can I do with it?
cowman, since our calves are priced off the U.S. market, an increase in the value of our dollar verses the U.S. dollar means it costs more for a U.S. buyer to buy our calves, thereby making them worth less. U.S. buyers will only pay in Canada what the U.S. market, less the basis, allows them to pay so, in effect, a rising Cdn. dollar means they will pay less in Canadian dollars for our calves (if they have $500 U.S. to spend then that is $602 Cdn at a Cdn dollar conversion rate of .83 but only $555 at a .90 cent Cdn dollar).
finally, fellows, for what it's worth, I think we are in for lower calf prices this fall than last fall and lower again in 2007. I think we missed the top of the market during the BSE chaos and won't see top-of-the-cycle prices again for about 10 years. I remember getting $450 for my steer calves several years ago at the bottom of the cycle. I think we'll see that again in four or five years. Yes, there's lots of cows being sold here but the overall North American herd is still too big.
I'm not gloomy by nature, god knows, since I've been in this business a long time (I must be a dreamer or deluded) but I'm afraid BSE has robbed us of our best calf-selling time and we are now on the downslope of the cattle cycle. I think we're in for very rough times in the next five years and I suspect that the full-timers like myself and blackjack are going to be up against it.
lastly, whatever happened to farmers_son?
I'm happy that we didn't buy any backgrounders for the first time in a long time but I will likely buy grassers in a couple of months. I don't think we'll make money on them but I've got lots of rough pasture in excess of what I need for the cows and what else can I do with it?
cowman, since our calves are priced off the U.S. market, an increase in the value of our dollar verses the U.S. dollar means it costs more for a U.S. buyer to buy our calves, thereby making them worth less. U.S. buyers will only pay in Canada what the U.S. market, less the basis, allows them to pay so, in effect, a rising Cdn. dollar means they will pay less in Canadian dollars for our calves (if they have $500 U.S. to spend then that is $602 Cdn at a Cdn dollar conversion rate of .83 but only $555 at a .90 cent Cdn dollar).
finally, fellows, for what it's worth, I think we are in for lower calf prices this fall than last fall and lower again in 2007. I think we missed the top of the market during the BSE chaos and won't see top-of-the-cycle prices again for about 10 years. I remember getting $450 for my steer calves several years ago at the bottom of the cycle. I think we'll see that again in four or five years. Yes, there's lots of cows being sold here but the overall North American herd is still too big.
I'm not gloomy by nature, god knows, since I've been in this business a long time (I must be a dreamer or deluded) but I'm afraid BSE has robbed us of our best calf-selling time and we are now on the downslope of the cattle cycle. I think we're in for very rough times in the next five years and I suspect that the full-timers like myself and blackjack are going to be up against it.
lastly, whatever happened to farmers_son?