Emerald you were the one that brought up the glass 1/2 full so what you put in it is your business.
You still didnt address the fact that most of what we have was here before the big oil money and to hear you tell it it will all be gone without the oil to suport it I think that is very narrow minded if we were not paying this high wage we could have a lot of things but labour is causing the prices to rise.
Yes Bill and Bill liked to give Ken Kowalski hell and rightly so as he was very high in the gov that almost gave the country away, but we got the paddle dam but down south they got the three rivers dam at a hell of a lot more cost and who knows what all.
A lot of the things you mention are in the town of barrhead still dont see where that is of great benifit to the farmers my local roads are poorer now than before the oil activity came albeit in small form , our roads were built by piling bush down the middle of the road and then building up over top with dirt and they have worked for 40yr or more until you start hauling B.Trains over them dayly they just wont stand that heavy trafic and guess who will get to pay for rebuilding at probably 100,000/mi sure the gov throws in some money but they took some money from our pockets also.
You still didnt address the fact that most of what we have was here before the big oil money and to hear you tell it it will all be gone without the oil to suport it I think that is very narrow minded if we were not paying this high wage we could have a lot of things but labour is causing the prices to rise.
Yes Bill and Bill liked to give Ken Kowalski hell and rightly so as he was very high in the gov that almost gave the country away, but we got the paddle dam but down south they got the three rivers dam at a hell of a lot more cost and who knows what all.
A lot of the things you mention are in the town of barrhead still dont see where that is of great benifit to the farmers my local roads are poorer now than before the oil activity came albeit in small form , our roads were built by piling bush down the middle of the road and then building up over top with dirt and they have worked for 40yr or more until you start hauling B.Trains over them dayly they just wont stand that heavy trafic and guess who will get to pay for rebuilding at probably 100,000/mi sure the gov throws in some money but they took some money from our pockets also.