I attended my Member of Parliament's constituency meeting last evening and he advised us that there will be money in the budget for agriculture, although he didn't know how much.
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RE: Federal Budget
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I will believe when I see it. If they soon dont come up with something there wont be a farmer left in Canada. When is the budget going to be tabled?
I don't know the exact date but I assume it will be before the end of April.
The government is really under pressure to cut tax on fuel, and I certainly hope they do. Alberta could certainly take the lead on that one,then it may spur other provinces and the feds to follow suit.
Wouldnt it be so simple to just make an acerage based payment? They have all the data they need, wouldnt take much govt beurocaucy to pay it out. But no it will be a payment based on ENS.
The last acreage payment that the Alberta Government was involved in was extremely unfair.
In my area one producer got payment for 20 quarters of land, when he does not own a cow, and makes his living off the oil industry and other endeavors.
The cow/calf man with a section of land was the one who needed the payments in the worst way.
I don't necessarily agree with acreage payments vs some good solid program that actually helps grassroots producers vs land owners and speculators.
Speeking of oil men and speculators there was an auction on tue with a 650 acre grazing lease with 239 AUM it sold for $155,000 now does that make any sence and not all fenced even,the rest of the land and buildings sold for $1270/acre thats on cultivated but wouldnt be much less for total acres. Thats 20mi northwest of Ft Asinaboine and not the best of land 2 1/4 sold to an oil man at 115,000/1/4 the rest to someone from Lacombe that just sold his dairy.
By the way the neibours youngest boy 19 or 20 was working wireline and for Jan Feb Mar he made 27,000$ and he quit because his 2 older bros were making more money than him,any wonder fuel is 80 cents and climing gas 1.05.9 pump price.
horse, when you say north west of Fort Assiniboine is that in the Timeau area ?
Anyone getting a good salary may not be affected as much by the price of gasoline, diesel etc., but people on fixed incomes, farm families and commuters who must drive to work are really having problems with the cost of transportation.
I don't think there is an oil shortage and the price is just being driven up due to fear of something happening with Iran, among other things.
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