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More gift wrapping Bows

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    More gift wrapping Bows

    Three more Bows today for my three cull cows. Yes I'm as human as the next cow guy and screwed up by breeding a heifer that was too small. Zipper and a dead calf. Two other cows that decided not to keep their calves full term over the winter and it added up to three for the Auction barn.

    Pushing 80% 4 weeks in on my 150 cows so far so I can't complain the much (wink wink Mr. Wilson)

    Have to share my manifest with ya'll.

    On the heifer with the zipper I wrote " Experimental brain surgery heifer ---- surgery through the stomach to the brain ---- guaranteed NO BSE." The worst part of this little bit of kidding around was explaining the surgery to the Hillbilly who helped me unload ---- Talk about needing brain surgery.

    The other two simply got their Bows and a note beside their entry that said "steak sandwich specials".

    Hows everybody adjusting to the new reality of cull cattle. Even the folks at the market (who by the way sound like GW Bush propagandists) tell us how lucky we are because these cull cows are up a bit this week.

    Don't say a word folks, don't stir any pots. This is the new reality. Our best beef to the Americans, and our good cull cows in the Canadain grocery stores and restaurants. What a friggin Joke.

    And now we have the King of the American asskissers on the throne at the CCA. Go Hughy Go.

    Okay Okay, ----I'm leaving now. Back to cow camp. As close to heaven as there is, except for having to subsidise the human race with this wonderful product each time I bring some to town.

    Just a glimmerin', brimmin', ball of glowin' sunshine ain't ya?lol You kiss your mother with that mouth...er...hands...er...never mind.


      ...rkaiser...this hughy guy said feeder prices back a couple of weeks ago were pretty good while talking to the media... it sounds like he runs a cow-calf and backgrounding operation as we do...well i think the prices are crap... when are we ever going to have a guy at the top that has some b____...


        Here's an article about the new CCA President.



          Randy: Do you mean you actually put a bow on the cows that you are selling at the local mart? I wonder how the buyers/staff view you? Do they think you are like completely nuts, or just slightly eccentric? Or some sort of old rebel without a cause!
          Got to admit you probably generate some conversation out in the stock yards!


            I don't know what point there would be in doing so cowman, the people at the local market and slaughter plant aren't the ones that need educating about what they are eating when they order a steak sandwich !!!


              blackjack, you are right on the mark, as usual. I don't think good ole boy Hughie is going to help the plight of the average stockman in this province.



                Yep, you get what you vote for! Until the 90% (?) of apathetic Alberta producers get off their backsides and do something about it they will remain represented by people not capable of doing us any good. Blame the producers not the ABP/CCA for this one.


                  Now maybe grassfarmer those 90 % actually think the ABP are doing a good job and see no need to go listen to a bunch of rhetoric? Or maybe they figure oh well whats $3 a calf...not worth the effort?
                  In a democracy you have the right to vote...or not vote, as you see fit?
                  But you go ahead and rally the troops and go atilting at windmills...we'll all sit back and admire your efforts on our behalf!
                  A mandatory checkoff was imposed on the Alberta cattle producer by a democratic vote of slightly more than 6% of producers? Close to 6% voted against it...therefore it is written in stone forver and forever! Thats just how it is and just one more parasite we can't get rid of! Live with it and consider it just another cost of doing business!


                    Hey ya'll. Awful nice spring out there eh.

                    Yes cowman - actual bows bought at the local dollar store. Got those last three for a buck. And even though I seemed to educate the hillbilly helping me unload?????, my message was more for the buyer,,,, who I happened to phone and sarcastically thank for helping me out by buying my little experimental BSE heifer. He paid me 30 cents a pound; by the way. My mistake on that one of course ---- should have taken her to our feed lot,,,, but sometimes I do things just to prove a point.

                    Every industry has scum sucking pigs like this --- but BSE in Canada has brought these pigs out in droves. Most of them butcher Pigs, and Cows and Chickens. Find any excuse to take advantage of this BSE BS and screw whoever you can.

                    Including our high and mighty ABP/CCA. Taking advantage of the farmer AND the average consumer by supporting this cull cow joke and actually helping it happen with advertising money pulled out of our very own pockets.

                    Amazing isn't it cowman. The 6% thing I mean. And what is even more amazing is the way this ABP/CCA thing is run. Every other democratically elected group in the history of democracy has had, and been allowed by law, an opposition of some kind. Most governments not only allow opposition, but actually support it with more than words (dollars) just as the ruling party is supported.

                    With ABP/CCA, the directors are Gods. No opposition. If a resolution ever makes it to the floor of a fall meeting that doesn't fit the mindset of the ruling Gods; it is either squashed right then and there or tabled for the board of directors to deal with later, away from those pesky wingnuts.

                    Yes, most of the board is made up of ranchers, but this structure is being eroded more every year. Industry council for example. Used to be that only election by the populace warranted a position on the board, now you need only to belong to a much smaller "industry group" to find a place beside the Gods.

                    As childish and immature a place as you will find in any group.---- More peer pressure than a grade 6 classroom, and more bullying than a junior high school in 1960's Alabama. Most that try to oppose simply give up. The knowledge at the top is so vast ------or not. Like cowman suggests,,, enter it as an expense in your accounting, and simply accept it.

                    Let the back slapping go on. ABP/CCA were the only ones who helped us all through this BSE crisis??????, and now that it is supposedly over, raises will be in order.

                    Now off to write a letter to the editor of Western Producer. Watch for the corrections to my misconceptions from the chairman of the Beef Information Center should my letter ever be published. (happened last time).


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