Not in a million years would I say that you alone could change the world. I will however argue till I'm blue in the face or cold in the ground, that if more people dropped that attitude and ALL voiced their opinions, we could change whatever we wanted.
Don't tell me that you gave up either. If you don't want change or don't care anymore, why do you do so much bitching on here about the sad state of the union? Alot of what you write is great stuff, and most of the time I'm in agreement with your political views and those of others on here. BUT, WHAT'S THE SENSE IN WHINING TO ONE ANOTHER? Whine to your MLA, MP, Councillor, Reeve, whatever!!! Any politician you want to contact has their e-mail address on the internet. They're easy to find, and take no more time than you spend on here.
For goodness sake, when my 3 year old boy whines that his spoon fell on the floor, do I let him sit there and cry over and over about it because nothing can be done? NO! I tell him to get down off of his chair and pick it up! If you want to sit in your chair and keep whining over and over, fine! Go ahead! I'll get up and try to do something!
Don't tell me that you gave up either. If you don't want change or don't care anymore, why do you do so much bitching on here about the sad state of the union? Alot of what you write is great stuff, and most of the time I'm in agreement with your political views and those of others on here. BUT, WHAT'S THE SENSE IN WHINING TO ONE ANOTHER? Whine to your MLA, MP, Councillor, Reeve, whatever!!! Any politician you want to contact has their e-mail address on the internet. They're easy to find, and take no more time than you spend on here.
For goodness sake, when my 3 year old boy whines that his spoon fell on the floor, do I let him sit there and cry over and over about it because nothing can be done? NO! I tell him to get down off of his chair and pick it up! If you want to sit in your chair and keep whining over and over, fine! Go ahead! I'll get up and try to do something!