Cowman, "No government should be allowed to pick winners and losers, because that does not allow the best to rise to the top."
That's kind of like saying that schools shouldn't take action on bullying... because that would not allow the best to rise to the top. Depends how you define "the best"
"Most people are fairly satisfied with the status quoe? " - Yes, sadly they are, on a world scale that means turning your backing on starving millions on a daily basis. But hey that's OK we are doing real well in our little world pretending that our lifestyle isn't supported by keeping the poor of the world in abject poverty.
I'm ashamed sometimes when I think of the treatment a good friend of mine receives here in Alberta. An immigrant dairy farmer whose business finances his desire to help others. In the last couple of years he has lobbied on behalf of Canadian agricultural producers in all sectors, travelled to Brazil to support the demonstrations and meetings attended by primary ag producers from many corners of the globe aimed at getting a fairer deal for farmers. He has travelled to Europe to lobby the authorities of the UN and EU to increase their aid to 3rd world countries, organised and established through fundraising and physical labour an orphanage in Malawi for children suffering from AIDS. Travelled to Guatemala and built weaving looms for peasants who literally have nothing - and now sells their products on a "fair trade" basis in Alberta. All this done on top of a hefty local committment to supporting youth centres, community drop in centres, church, food banks and leading opposition to the oil and gas sectors unregulated expansion.
Yet someone of this calibre, so much committment, doing so much good, gets ridiculed by the fools in the ABP and some in the Alberta government as being a "socialist with nothing to contribute". I'd like to see how their contributions stack up in comparison.
That's kind of like saying that schools shouldn't take action on bullying... because that would not allow the best to rise to the top. Depends how you define "the best"
"Most people are fairly satisfied with the status quoe? " - Yes, sadly they are, on a world scale that means turning your backing on starving millions on a daily basis. But hey that's OK we are doing real well in our little world pretending that our lifestyle isn't supported by keeping the poor of the world in abject poverty.
I'm ashamed sometimes when I think of the treatment a good friend of mine receives here in Alberta. An immigrant dairy farmer whose business finances his desire to help others. In the last couple of years he has lobbied on behalf of Canadian agricultural producers in all sectors, travelled to Brazil to support the demonstrations and meetings attended by primary ag producers from many corners of the globe aimed at getting a fairer deal for farmers. He has travelled to Europe to lobby the authorities of the UN and EU to increase their aid to 3rd world countries, organised and established through fundraising and physical labour an orphanage in Malawi for children suffering from AIDS. Travelled to Guatemala and built weaving looms for peasants who literally have nothing - and now sells their products on a "fair trade" basis in Alberta. All this done on top of a hefty local committment to supporting youth centres, community drop in centres, church, food banks and leading opposition to the oil and gas sectors unregulated expansion.
Yet someone of this calibre, so much committment, doing so much good, gets ridiculed by the fools in the ABP and some in the Alberta government as being a "socialist with nothing to contribute". I'd like to see how their contributions stack up in comparison.