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Greed--Not Kindness

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    Cowman, "No government should be allowed to pick winners and losers, because that does not allow the best to rise to the top."
    That's kind of like saying that schools shouldn't take action on bullying... because that would not allow the best to rise to the top. Depends how you define "the best"

    "Most people are fairly satisfied with the status quoe? " - Yes, sadly they are, on a world scale that means turning your backing on starving millions on a daily basis. But hey that's OK we are doing real well in our little world pretending that our lifestyle isn't supported by keeping the poor of the world in abject poverty.

    I'm ashamed sometimes when I think of the treatment a good friend of mine receives here in Alberta. An immigrant dairy farmer whose business finances his desire to help others. In the last couple of years he has lobbied on behalf of Canadian agricultural producers in all sectors, travelled to Brazil to support the demonstrations and meetings attended by primary ag producers from many corners of the globe aimed at getting a fairer deal for farmers. He has travelled to Europe to lobby the authorities of the UN and EU to increase their aid to 3rd world countries, organised and established through fundraising and physical labour an orphanage in Malawi for children suffering from AIDS. Travelled to Guatemala and built weaving looms for peasants who literally have nothing - and now sells their products on a "fair trade" basis in Alberta. All this done on top of a hefty local committment to supporting youth centres, community drop in centres, church, food banks and leading opposition to the oil and gas sectors unregulated expansion.
    Yet someone of this calibre, so much committment, doing so much good, gets ridiculed by the fools in the ABP and some in the Alberta government as being a "socialist with nothing to contribute". I'd like to see how their contributions stack up in comparison.


      About 15 years ago I read a book written by Dianne Francis (forget the name) that was excellent. She described and compared the differences bettween the U.S. and their anti- combines legislation and the un-fettered monopolizing activities that go on in Canada by corporate interests.

      Her summation was that the U.S. didn't have it perfect, but for the country was alot better for its people. things mayt have gotten worse there..don't know.

      One example cowman is the lax regulation in Canada in regards to the packers and their limits on feeder cattle numbers, as compared to the states!!

      We know how that hurts!!


        Now lets just forget the names Cargill and Tyson for a minute? Lets just say we have a farmer named Joe? He decides to build a packing plant, but also feeds cattle? Does he have that right?
        The last time I looked we were supposed to be a free market and anyone who wanted to could raise cattle? Or is that not permitted now? What if a Cargill or Tyson said to hell with you guys...we will never buy another steer from any of you, we will raise our own? Would that be their right?
        When the state starts telling you who you can buy from, or sell to, I would suggest something is very wrong?
        If cattle producers don't like what Cargill is paying, simply don't sell to Cargill! Build your own packing house and go to it. Or pack it in.
        Just my opinion.


          grassfarmer: I doubt anyone is riduculing him for his good works, but maybe his concept of how business should be conducted here in this country? And I'm sure not going to sit here and stand up for the ABP, as it is an organization I don't believe in! Now that doesn't mean I don't respect some of the people who are ABP directors or supporters...that is their right and I like to believe that people are honorable and try to do the right thing...as they see it! I really don't believe ABP supporters are evil or something and involved in some sort of conspiracy to make Cargill our master? I think they are just guys who think they can help the industry and are doing their best? Probably just like your friend?


            Cowman, your "no government intervention" argument is flawed in a big way though - remember Cargill and Tyson were given huge Government subsidies (our tax payer money) to locate here yet the same government refuse to give anything to producer owned packing plant proposals. As rkaiser noted there isn't so much between extreme captalism and communism - under both systems everyone is equal, some are just more equal than others.


              I love the way you spell it out cowman, couldn't have said it better if I'd plagerized it right off your post. Glad Purecountry didn't run you off of here, your posts, in my opinion, are great. Yer getting a weeeee bit socialist on me, Randy, come back hunny, this IS why we live in Alberta, because we ARE capitilists and DO ( you always liked that word, DO ) have every intention of getting RICH. Otherwize we'd might as just well live on the moon, or in Wilson's country. He's happy. Have a good day all!


                "Monoplolies" give "capitalisim" a bad name. They do not derive their power from the "freemarket"!

                Generally, Capitalism is good. However, many forms of Capitalism in Canada today is really Corporatism. Modern Corporatism is almost Neo-Feudalism wrapped up and disguised as Capitalism. Corporations and "Owners" claim they want free markets, then they turn around and lobby government to tilt the market playing field in their favor by passing laws granting monopolies, constructing legal barriers of entry into markets, and handout corporate welfare.

                Boards of Directors and Corporate Officers become Feudal Lords. And while they claim to operate the business solely for the benefit of the stockholders (and thus attempt to further wrap their acts into a cloak of democracy on top of that cloak of capitalism) the people who benefit the most from Corporate Business are those Board Members and Corporate Officers. They get golden parchutes and earn, on average, 300 times more than the average corporate employee.

                You are right cowman...we are "supposed to have a free market"...but saddly, we don't!

                Don't confuse corporatism or monoplism with capitalisim.


                  You guys are killing me with the -ISM's!! lol I'm going cross-eyed reading this damn thread


                    Don't blame us for the crossed eyes P-C,you've been cross eyed for years. Kinda pigeon toed as well; if I remember correctly.

                    Call me social leaning if you like Whitey, or read my post again as well as the last one by ivbinconned.

                    In fact, read my very first post on the thread. I wish that capitalism and the greed of individuals was more a reality than the left leaning mutinational welfare world in which we live.

                    That rich thing is relative anywhoo. Haven't enjoyed life as much as I have for the last couple of months in years. How much money do we need to enjoy layin in the pasture trying to get your bulls tamed down a bit?


                      I will admit there is some wisdom in what Ivebinconned and Randy have said? I'm not sure if there is a solution or not? I suspect we've gone too far down that road for much to change, but hey you boys go at her!
                      Randy: You lay out in your fields? You tie ribbons on your cows? Do the neighbors consider you a wee bit eccentric? LOL


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