That is but one example of older farmers getting out of the business when the younger generation isn't interested in taking over. My situation is exactly the same, the boys are doing well in the patch and have no interest so this farm will end when I sell it and go to the old folks home !!!!! Hopefully not too soon !!!
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One of my tenants wants to farm more than life itself. A young couple, both from Manitoba, he works in the oilfield and she has an amazing down-to-earth, good hearted personality and work ethic/all farm background. One little girl and another on the way, they are the salt of the earth kind of people that got our country going. Seems a fitting topic for Canada day. What I feel for them is that they would sure like to set up camp here but are already way out of their price range in central Alberta. He does very well financially but the price of a farm around here is higher yet. How the hell do they get in even with that off farm income and the incredible amount of desire that they have. I just wish I knew how to help them. They can't just buy cheaper in Saskatchewan because they know the money is here...can't get in here because the price of the land doesn't allow them to farm it. I don't have a solution but suffice it to say the changes in this area will be rapid and permanent and through no fault of any farmer, there are few or none for young ones comeing up, it is exactly them who will no longer be the dominant figures on the landscape around here. Hope you have a good day all!
...baling just under way this past weekend cowman know how it is...if it don't rain in the next couple weeks there will be some prime first cut...but if the regrowth on the pastures come to a stall there will be producers back needing to buy some hay...
...some nine weight black steers sold up to 115 at ponoka last week so if the market holds steady at them prices i can live with
...i think your right a sense the price of land here in alberta for agriculture has limited the buying to a few...the thing though is the land up for sale seems to move i would expect the oil and gas industry has something to with that...
Interesting comment cowman, "I doubt we will have many farms that will last for generations? This isn't Europe?" What are the people in N America going to live on in future if not food? despite new technology the world needs farmers more than it has ever done - continually feeding more people from a shrinking landbase. Many people like yourself seem to be fooled by low commodity prices in the grain sector or low cattle prices into thinking we are overproducing food and that is why it is worth so little. In fact the world food demand/supply balance has never been tighter and the low prices paid to primary food producers everywhere are a result of monopoly control of the market place by a few greedy people.
grassfarmer: I think the situation is different today than it was twenty years ago. There will always be someone to provide the food...but I doubt it will be the farmers descendents of today?
I don't know what the big picture is but can very clearly see that our farmers are growing old, very few young people are entering agriculture, it is even tough getting immigrant farmers to come here!
Too many years of low prices while inflation has continued to push up costs? That trend seems to be continuing if not increasing?
I'm not sure if this is just a Canada problem or is happening everywhere? How come all these European farmers are coming here(or were) if they have it so rosy there? The Canadian government likes to talk about European and Americans high level of subsidies...but in fact aren't they too having problems with keeping people farming?
I know you think the problem is multi national corporations taking the cream, but is it really that? Food prices make up a minor part of the Canadian or American consumer dollar anymore...not sure about Europe?
Maybe I'm just dumb but if Alberta is the place to be-why are farmers quitting in Alberta while in Saskatchewan they are still going strong. Not saying there aren't guys going broke in Sask. but that has always been the case rain or shine-50 cent calves or 1.50 calves.Ranching is never easy but it's always possible-anybody who wants their dream in ANY field will find a place and time to pursue it-the rest will wring their hands and say CAN'T.
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