I bought some fire-killed rails last feb. from a guy who cuts them. He was pi$$ed because the government boys weren’t going to let them in the burn areas for more than one year after the fire because the may be tramping down new growth. He said it wasn’t worth setting up with access roads and all for only one year.
Post cutters are on the low end of the wage scale and it is one of the dirtiest jobs in the world. I have to wonder where the replacement workers come from in this labor market.
Call Ron at Lehner’s in Price Albert. He’s been selling posts for 30 years and the posts match the description. 306- 763- 4232
Co-op's are enjoying windfall profits due to the refinery in Regina. They don't have to run by the basic rules of buisness as long as high fuel prices prop profitability up.
Post cutters are on the low end of the wage scale and it is one of the dirtiest jobs in the world. I have to wonder where the replacement workers come from in this labor market.
Call Ron at Lehner’s in Price Albert. He’s been selling posts for 30 years and the posts match the description. 306- 763- 4232
Co-op's are enjoying windfall profits due to the refinery in Regina. They don't have to run by the basic rules of buisness as long as high fuel prices prop profitability up.