It seems to me that Kpb is overlooking some things in the calculations of backgrounding calves.
What about income tax? Income tax is figured into the price of fall calves. Even if the backgrounding breaks even the purchaser has saved 30-40% of the purchase price plus expenses in tax that is deferred to next year or maybe avoided altogether. That more than makes up for the risk of owning those calves plus there is always the opportunity to make money backgrounding just like there is a possibly that the investment will not be profitable. Savings in income tax could amount to more than $200 a calf. Add in the $37.50 and backgrounding starts to make real good sense. Of course the tax must be paid next year if you get off of the backgrounding treadmill but that deferred tax can provide much needed cash flow throughout the year. Most farms are cash flowed with deferred tax in one form or another.
For many people backgrounding it is a way to market silage. Often the feeder is making quite good money on the silage and for most there is no other way to market that feed.
It only stands to make sense that if a backgrounding industry exists then it exists for a reason and that reason is that it must be profitable for those doing it.
What about income tax? Income tax is figured into the price of fall calves. Even if the backgrounding breaks even the purchaser has saved 30-40% of the purchase price plus expenses in tax that is deferred to next year or maybe avoided altogether. That more than makes up for the risk of owning those calves plus there is always the opportunity to make money backgrounding just like there is a possibly that the investment will not be profitable. Savings in income tax could amount to more than $200 a calf. Add in the $37.50 and backgrounding starts to make real good sense. Of course the tax must be paid next year if you get off of the backgrounding treadmill but that deferred tax can provide much needed cash flow throughout the year. Most farms are cash flowed with deferred tax in one form or another.
For many people backgrounding it is a way to market silage. Often the feeder is making quite good money on the silage and for most there is no other way to market that feed.
It only stands to make sense that if a backgrounding industry exists then it exists for a reason and that reason is that it must be profitable for those doing it.