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U.S. Election

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    U.S. Election

    I see in the news where Montana Senator Conrad Burns lost to Democrat Jon Tester. Burns supported Judge Cebull, country of origin labeling and was clearly anti Canadian, blaming Canada for 9/11 which was later found to be incorrect.

    That said Tester is for country of origin labeling himself. Check out his campaign letter to Montana farmers:


    Either way, those Montana boys are a pretty protectionist bunch. When it comes to competing meats, they definitely are pretty left wing in asking government to interfere in the free market place. I hope the close vote in Montana does not give them more clout in Washington. Do not know what the election results will do to the implementation of Rule 2. Anyway Burns is gone, good to see that the general population of Montana do not put with the corruption that goes on in their government.

    Rumsfeld has resigned, too bad he did not do that five years ago. If nothing else it would have spared the lives of a lot of good American boys who should never have been in Iraq in the first place.

    Weapons of mass destruction, I do not think so. For that matter, BSE is no different at all, only the country being attacked is different.

    uh no BSE is actually not at all like the war in Iraq. And, no, Canada is actually not at all like Iraq.

    I guess the Americans should have just let Saddam kill a couple of more million citizens. And I guess we should pull out of Afganistan too and let the Taliban kill a bunch of girls for, say, going out in public? I mean we're Ok, right Jack? We're a long ways away and, you know, why get involved? Hell, why don't we just stay hunkered down here and let those countries do whatever they want to.

    It's symbolic of the times we live in that we no longer have the will to do the unpleasant jobs that will benefit people other than ourselves. It's a good damn thing that our fathers and grandfathers didn't feel that way or our world would be a lot different today.



      You are right- Tester helped write and co-sponsored the Montana M-COOL law and he has before called for investigations into/protested Canadian "dumping"- grain and beef....And now the one Rep. (Bonilla) that stopped the enforcement of the M-COOL law for the AMI/Multinationals is no longer in charge of that committee...

      And this change to more "conservative Democrats" will mean that USDA and its policies are/will be under much more scrutiny- and I'm sure you will see Congressional hearings on the USDA called for/with hopefully some heads rolling....Hopefully they can bring back the whole USDA's BSE policy change to the table, since they have never explained how they could change the rule with Canada when none of the facts changed.

      And in the polling- the exit polls showed that Iraq was not the number one issue that brought about this big change...Ethics/Scandal/lobbyiest sell out to Big Business were listed as number one (main reason Burns is out)... They also said they were tired of the global trade and jobs going overseas, loss of sovereignty with NAFTA, AFTA, CAFTA, and the proposed North American Union...Border Security and the Bush administrations failure to stop illegal immigration, along with the large deficit was a slap in the face to the right wing conservatives also- many of whom stayed home or voted Libertarian...

      GW sounded pretty sheepish today as he spoke to the press...Hopefully his Big Packer and Big Corporate cronies won't have free run anymore...


        If any of you doubt my post- Google up Representative Rosa DeLauro, Conn.- she will be the new Chairman of the House Appropriations Ag subcommittee that Representative Bonilla (a Texas good old boy) was just ousted from by the mini-rebellion the good folks of the US just staged...
        Her number one issue appearing on her website is food safety- and she has been down the necks of both FDA and USDA for their actions/inactions...She even last month introduced a bill to do away with the USDA- to get it entirely out of the control of meat/slaughter inspection...And she has been extremely critical of both agencies failure to/poor record on inspecting imported foods- allowing in tainted food...Especially since 9/11...
        Now USDA will be much at her mercy in that she controls their purse strings...


          I recall the recent problem with U.S spinach. The contaminated spinach killed three people and sickened another 204, including one Ottawa woman. Far more dangerous than BSE, especially when hardly anyone eats spinach and 204 got sick.

          Willowcreek, I have never been clear on just what the role of the House of Representatives versus the Senate is. I know each state has two Senators and the representatives vary according to population with every state having at least one. My impression is that the loss of the Senate was more of a blow to the Republicans than the loss of the House of Representatives.

          Would I be correct in understanding that every American does not have the right to vote, that residents of Washington DC cannot vote in federal elections.


            farmers_son--- I always kind of compare the Senate to the English House of Lords and the House to the House of Commons...Members of the House, since relected every 2 years, are supposed to have closer ties to the folks back home...This election kind of proved a whole lot of them had lost touch to the folks back home...

            And you are right about D.C. They are kind of the bastard child...Altho the 23rd Amendment in 1961 gave them the right to vote in Presidential Elections, the city area is still run half locally/half federally with federal oversight on almost everything..They are now allowed Representatives in the House- but these Reps only can vote on committees and do not have a vote in decision making...

            The good news for Canadians is that this election may slow down GW's and the globalist elites plans to take over Canada and Mexico thru the North American Union...

            Altho the plans are still on the drawing board... GW was going to federalize the Montana National Guard to move into western Canada and put down any opposition- and he had a troop of Boy Scouts lined up to go into Eastern/French Canada and accept their surrender....LOL


              What a coincidence Willowcreep.We were just in the process of mobilizing a group of Girl Scouts to enter Montana and round up every R-Calfer.It will probably happen on a Saturday so they will be back to school on Monday.That gives them Sunday to get the smell off their hands.


                Thanks for the info.

                Loose lips may sink ships but I will let you in on a little secret. BSE was just the beginning. Canadians have already surreptiously infiltrated the National Guard and are planning to take over the country with influenza spread in droppings from overflying geese. Keep your head up. ;--)

                Steven Harper will be accepting your surrender in the very near future. It would be 1812 all over again. LMAO


                  Which country do you think will run this elitist planned North American Union? Darn sure won't be either Canada or Mexico...So that only leaves one left...

                  Canada has already sold out a huge part of their business interests to these folks- so giving up the rest of your sovereignty should't be that big of an impact...Anyway, it doesn't appear as any Canadians really care...

                  I'm just happy that many in the US have been awakened to what is happening, and are going to fight it..We may still save you from having to learn the Star Spangled Banner, yet- even tho the Canadians apathy toward it isn't helping...


                    Bring it on! Personally I never liked those eastern bastards anyway! Let me sell my cattle to whoever wants to buy them without any interference from Canadian or American protectionists!...It's called free enterprize?


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