BILLINGS, MONT. (November 21, 2006) The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (9th Circuit) has denied the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Motion for Summary Affirmance, stating in its decision that the agency’s rarely used legal maneuver was denied “because the arguments raised in response to the motion (by R-CALF USA) are sufficiently substantial to warrant further argument.”
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R-Calf court victory
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Sorry Old Boy - Just another move by the packer led USDA. BSEconomics says North American captive market is good. Keeping up the border issue will continue to deflect attention to Rcalf and their blind protectionist followers, while the packers and namely Tyson and Cargill continue to maniplulate markets on both sides of the border.
Celebrate your victory Oldtimer, and have another shot of Canadian whiskey - it'll keep that wool over your eyes for another day.
Actually rkaiser-- I did not post that--which has me very worried about this site if the security and privacy is allowing someone else to post under someone elses name...
It is something I would post- but I did not......And I never even had one of those good Canadian toddies until about 8PM...
Well what does this mean...for all us peasants out here trying to survive?
Does this mean we'll be getting less than dogfood for our cows? Does this mean Willowcreek will still be getting T bone prices for his old cull cows?
Hey you know something? I'm getting sick of our supposedly, fellow cattlemen in the USA, doing everything in their power to destroy us? Come on you dumb Montana you really think we are some kind of evil entity out to destroy you?
Maybe we should act just like Americans? Each of us send Osama $50 so he can help bring this rotten system down?
This involves much more than just cow/beef exports- it involves a government agencies requirement to be truthful with the public- and to do their sworn job to protect the US cattle industry's long term viability-- and so far the USDA has not been turthful with either producers or the public- and won't even allow the BSE evidence to see the light of day...It also involves how corporately controlled the USDA is...
This is just one of the many disagreements the American people have with the current administration which was shown in the recent elections, and unless policy changes will be really seen in 08...
The American public is tired of deficit global trading, and using their jobs and incomes to negotiate security issues...The public was against AFTA, CAFTA, may vote down NAFTA, and definitely are against NAFTA Plus, our Presidents and your Prime Ministers attempts to combine North America under one big European Union type government...
The new congress will institute the mandatory COOL law- its almost a given- which will be one step toward allowing in Canadian old cow beef- as at least the consumers will have the free choice to choose if they want to eat beef from Canada or not...But it still leaves the question of all the loopholes in the feedban which the Corporates have been manipulating FDA and USDA to refuse to close...
Well I suspect the American people were more concerned about the mess in Iraq than trade issues...but whatever?
I think you make it very apparent that you don't believe in least not when you have to compete, and that is okay...nothing like screwing the American consumer!
I also suspect you just might get your wish of having all the American consumer market for your beef as it is getting very difficult for some people to operate up here with these continual protectionist border problems.
The times are a changing and the days when we have to feed hogs and cattle because we can't compete on the export grain end of things may be coming to an end?...Oh by the way America helped create the glut of meat we have up here by subsidizing their grain farmers so heavily...but again...whatever! We are a bit behind the US on this ethanol/biodeisel thing but catching up fast! I attended an ag appreciation dinner(local fertilizer dealer) and the speaker said there is a new plant coming in that will be the biggest one in North America! Interestingly enough it will be built by the Carlyle group(American)!
I think if this looks good a whole lot of pasture/hayland will be going down by next year!
I guess then we will be supplying America with something they really need...fuel!
I think if this thing really takes off up here we might very well be in a position where we never need to export our cattle/beef fact we might just become a net importer!
You've pretty well got us beat.
cowman "the speaker said there is a new plant coming in that will be the biggest one in North America! Interestingly enough it will be built by the Carlyle group(American)!"
Cowman- And that there is pretty much the reason the Corporate Elites are pushing this one government North American Union...They have reaped and ****d the land down here to their benefit and with the spreading population, now ran out of room for their refinerys, hog factories, and cheap natural resources supply...The land down here has become too valuable so now they want to tap the resources of Canada...
Its Progress- but I'm not sure its good for Canada. Kind of reminds me of Britains old Colinasation system....
Well unlike many on here I don't have a lot of fear about the "big bad corporations"!
I wonder though when you talk about the USA being over populated and the land prices being too high...were you talking about Montana? Because I'll tell you just driving down to Great Falls it looks pretty well short of life! Just wonder what that land sells for around there?
I agree with that one totally cowman. When we were driving through Montana in September it looked like most places...decent populations in some areas then millions of miles of empty space...
Then we got back to Alberta. Hole-e-cow! Can't move, can't breathe, after two weeks in Montana, we had totally forgotton just how much the Alberta economy is on fire and just how rapidly we all are fighting for room to stand and simply our own air to breathe. Good in some ways, bad in others... but if anyone is wondering about where there is a positive environment for any kind of business to thrive or environment that is attractive to young people looking for work and live the "American dream" it is absolutly without a doubt right here, for right now anyway. Who knows how long it will last and if Ralphs sucessor is anything (or not!) like he was for creating growth.
Cowman, I'll probably ask you again closer to spring (and in a thread dedicated to it, instead of another topic altogether) but I'm wondering about all the empty grass around here as well and if you know of anyone of hand that may be willing to put up with 10-12 pet cows for a summer happily munching their grass for the substantial amount of cash I'm willing to put out for the privilege to do so. Of course depends on how close and how nice the place is (grass, fences, water, supervision) but I offered my neighbor (that incidentally, I'm pretty good friends with!) $100.00 (yes, One Hundred!) bucks and acre and she TURNED IT DOWN! said simply she didn't want any cows pooping on her pretty pastures and just let them stand and look pretty all summer! Fair enough, it's her place and she paid a fortune for it, but I'd still like to find another or just decide to sell em them all. Just wondering if you know of anyone who doesn't want any combines "tearing up their pretty fields" and wouldn't mind some "cow poop" on them for an amount that I can make worth their while before they do go tearing them up.
Hope you all have a good day! Thanks for reading.
I'm sure its probably about double what it is over here in really desolate eastern Montana- because many of the ranchers over there are selling out- some moving east and buying places double or triple the size place they had in the west with their earnings...
And land around here, if its got wildlife on it (which it all does) is selling to the land speculator/hunting interests for double or triple the price that you can make it work for Ag use...The last piece of grazing (a section) I tried to buy sold for $650 an acre- on land that it takes 20-30 acres per cow to graze for 6 to 8 months...It just doesn't pencil out for livestock- but its got a creek bottom full of deer.....
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