My experience with sending the whole group to a presort has been less than great. In order to benefit from the sort there has to be cattle of similar quality to sort yours with, producing a larger, and more desirable group. With a good sort it should be hard to pick your calves out. The last one I took mine to I thought my calves made their groups look better. My opinion only, but did I average the price up for someone else?
I had given up on the presort idea, till Grassfarmer suggested them as a good place to market odds and ends that don’t fit with the rest of your group
Some markets seem to make them work,but as I say, they have to have simmilar cattle to work with.
I had given up on the presort idea, till Grassfarmer suggested them as a good place to market odds and ends that don’t fit with the rest of your group
Some markets seem to make them work,but as I say, they have to have simmilar cattle to work with.