Simply Canadian--["Second point, our friends from down south can stir the pot all they like and we have a choice to consider the source. My thoughts are simple, if I work for Safeway I sure don't go to IGA for industry information or strategies."]
Yep- but I like these folks and hate to see them grow stagnant where they are...I told them before what was going to happen with the border- including the fact Congress blocked the reopening on OTM's...I also was right in my advice that the feelings of the US people was changing and that many of the old fogies in Congress would be gone....
Altho we haven't even seen the proposed rule yet for allowing in OTM's, I can tell you there will be a battle--since their is no "new" science to justify any change and the new Congress is much more anti "unfair trade" and pro "health concious" than the old one was...If Johanns and USDA keep pushing this "Final Rule" they will get knocked on their butts again just like so many of the Bush Administrations corporate influenced decisions are beginning to....Either in Congress or the Courts....
I see NO chance of live OTM's coming south- and little chance of OTM UNTESTED beef coming south...And since the USDA does not want tested beef in the US, to create a precedent- they will oppose that..
So my thoughts are that Canada's best chance will be to TEST ALL and go for the Japanese and Asian market...
And that would be fine with me- knowing that NO OTM SRM's could be coming into the US to possibly contaminate our feed, and further endanger our US cattle herd- and knowing that next year Congress will implement the M-COOL law....
Yep- but I like these folks and hate to see them grow stagnant where they are...I told them before what was going to happen with the border- including the fact Congress blocked the reopening on OTM's...I also was right in my advice that the feelings of the US people was changing and that many of the old fogies in Congress would be gone....
Altho we haven't even seen the proposed rule yet for allowing in OTM's, I can tell you there will be a battle--since their is no "new" science to justify any change and the new Congress is much more anti "unfair trade" and pro "health concious" than the old one was...If Johanns and USDA keep pushing this "Final Rule" they will get knocked on their butts again just like so many of the Bush Administrations corporate influenced decisions are beginning to....Either in Congress or the Courts....
I see NO chance of live OTM's coming south- and little chance of OTM UNTESTED beef coming south...And since the USDA does not want tested beef in the US, to create a precedent- they will oppose that..
So my thoughts are that Canada's best chance will be to TEST ALL and go for the Japanese and Asian market...
And that would be fine with me- knowing that NO OTM SRM's could be coming into the US to possibly contaminate our feed, and further endanger our US cattle herd- and knowing that next year Congress will implement the M-COOL law....