Cowman-- I don't think your belief that all of Canada's is going into the restaurant trade is correct...I know that after the BSE and only boxed beef was coming in, we found a great deal going into the local grocery store shelves- where its falsely sold to the US consumers as US beef-- and when questioned about why they don't mark it correctly, the retailer will tell you they would like to, but can't compete until it is all marked- because the Canadian won't/don't have as high of demand...That is one of the things that drove the big push by Montanans as a whole to enact a State M-COOL law.....
And you forget there is a whole lot of beef coming into the US from countries other than Canada- some of which is going straight onto the Walmart counters and being sold as US product...
The consumer is being DEFRAUDED....
And cowman-- I'm not like you- I won't roll over and just kiss the Packers Arse like so many Canucks seem to do-- I'll fight them as long as I have a breath left...Too bad there aren't a few more independent Canucks like Cam and ol rkaiser--then you guys might not have to worry so much about the US cutting you off the gravy train....
And you forget there is a whole lot of beef coming into the US from countries other than Canada- some of which is going straight onto the Walmart counters and being sold as US product...
The consumer is being DEFRAUDED....
And cowman-- I'm not like you- I won't roll over and just kiss the Packers Arse like so many Canucks seem to do-- I'll fight them as long as I have a breath left...Too bad there aren't a few more independent Canucks like Cam and ol rkaiser--then you guys might not have to worry so much about the US cutting you off the gravy train....