Grassfarmer: I am not talking about a market average. I am talking about the top price paid for a given weight of calves. I can only say I wish I was at the sale to see your calves sell. It would seem possible that if there were only one group of quality calves at a sale and the rest were of lower quality then it might appear that the one group brought a premium. I would question that if the same calves were put with other calves of similar quality if a premium over the other top calves would be realized. Obviously some calves bring more than other calves but you can’t beat the market. There are things you can do to make sure you are not one of those getting the lower price however.
I gather you sell breeding stock. I have seen top purebred breeders sell their cull cows in the ring. These cull cows looked great and literally shone. Although the seller did not get more than the going market price for his culls I would say that there was some good marketing going as a positive impression was formed among the people in the stands who might remember that breeder next spring when thinking about buying a bull.
I put some numbers together a few years ago that showed if an individual could truly get consistently more for his calves, say $45 a head, than the market was paying everyone else that within a generation that individual could own the entire industry. Obviously that would never happen as others clued in to how that person was earning a true premium then they would do the same and the premium would disappear.
I gather you sell breeding stock. I have seen top purebred breeders sell their cull cows in the ring. These cull cows looked great and literally shone. Although the seller did not get more than the going market price for his culls I would say that there was some good marketing going as a positive impression was formed among the people in the stands who might remember that breeder next spring when thinking about buying a bull.
I put some numbers together a few years ago that showed if an individual could truly get consistently more for his calves, say $45 a head, than the market was paying everyone else that within a generation that individual could own the entire industry. Obviously that would never happen as others clued in to how that person was earning a true premium then they would do the same and the premium would disappear.