The bio fuel revolution is probably going to change just about every aspect of how we do agriculture.
If the grain/oilseed markets remain strong there is going to be a lot less feed grain available for feeding cattle and hogs? Distillers grain can replace about 35% of a steers diet and less in hogs. I would think there could be quite a cost in drying down distillers fed wet might be most economical?
I wonder how this whole thing might change the livestock sector, especially cattle as probably a lot more pasture,hayland, and silage land will go back into crop production?
I wonder if higher feed grain prices will dictate cattle grow out more on grass...or maybe even finish on grass?
Now personally I think this is a good thing? Get our livestock numbers back into a more balanced position where we don't have to rely on exports?
Of course there will be winners and losers. I would think feedlots might have a hard time adjusting and obviously if the cow herd is reduced, purebred breeders would have a smaller market?...But overall I think it is a very good thing for the farmers in Canada? Opinions?
If the grain/oilseed markets remain strong there is going to be a lot less feed grain available for feeding cattle and hogs? Distillers grain can replace about 35% of a steers diet and less in hogs. I would think there could be quite a cost in drying down distillers fed wet might be most economical?
I wonder how this whole thing might change the livestock sector, especially cattle as probably a lot more pasture,hayland, and silage land will go back into crop production?
I wonder if higher feed grain prices will dictate cattle grow out more on grass...or maybe even finish on grass?
Now personally I think this is a good thing? Get our livestock numbers back into a more balanced position where we don't have to rely on exports?
Of course there will be winners and losers. I would think feedlots might have a hard time adjusting and obviously if the cow herd is reduced, purebred breeders would have a smaller market?...But overall I think it is a very good thing for the farmers in Canada? Opinions?