Willowcreek: Despite the fact that many label me a Cargill/Tyson lover on here I am not a happy camper with how things have turned out up here!
Make no mistake, the Alberta government of the day did everything in its power to bring in the big boys and squeeze out the existing packers. I think it was an ideology thing, although there were always rumors that Premier Lougheed benifitted in a big way from the IBP takeover of Lakeside packers!
Unfortunately this is what we have to live with today, and rather than beat our heads against the wall and chase pipe dreams we need to deal with reality?
I don't really blame the American rancher for trying to protect his market. I do object to some of the tactics used though?
Before 1994 and the death of the CROW rate Canada was a net importer of beef. American insistence that we kill the CROW was what drove the Canadian farmer into livestock production. It was the only solution to survive as we are hamstrung from processing grain by our state controlled monopoly(CWB)that discouraged any type of value adding...you would think we live in the old Soviet Union!
For the first time in over thirty years we finally have a federal government in place that is trying to make some meaningful changes. To stand up for the western farmer and western businessman!
It might all be a waste of time though as the urban heartland is more interested in keeping the status quo where all wealth heads east!
Keep your eyes and ears open, if the Harper government fails we might be "Americans" sooner than later!
Make no mistake, the Alberta government of the day did everything in its power to bring in the big boys and squeeze out the existing packers. I think it was an ideology thing, although there were always rumors that Premier Lougheed benifitted in a big way from the IBP takeover of Lakeside packers!
Unfortunately this is what we have to live with today, and rather than beat our heads against the wall and chase pipe dreams we need to deal with reality?
I don't really blame the American rancher for trying to protect his market. I do object to some of the tactics used though?
Before 1994 and the death of the CROW rate Canada was a net importer of beef. American insistence that we kill the CROW was what drove the Canadian farmer into livestock production. It was the only solution to survive as we are hamstrung from processing grain by our state controlled monopoly(CWB)that discouraged any type of value adding...you would think we live in the old Soviet Union!
For the first time in over thirty years we finally have a federal government in place that is trying to make some meaningful changes. To stand up for the western farmer and western businessman!
It might all be a waste of time though as the urban heartland is more interested in keeping the status quo where all wealth heads east!
Keep your eyes and ears open, if the Harper government fails we might be "Americans" sooner than later!