Go ahead and turn it off Spud.We know where it is and we will come and get it when we want it.
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Interesting articles. I personally struggle a bit to see how we (we being wealthy/industrialized nations) can continue to ignore much of what is going on in the less developed world.
I do agree with the multinational corporation/oligopoly/monopoly train of thought, but not with restricting trade as the solution to our problems.
Trade tends to foster innovation and growth (environmental concerns notwithstanding. Helping to advance third world societies can help them hurdle the environmental problems inherent with development and cna expand the market for our goods and services.
There is a lot of fear of the impact of China on jobs in NA, but most people do not look at the potential. For example if Chinese incomes were to rise enough that they ate 1/2 pound of beef per year per capita, that is a 500,000 pound plus market, potentially for cuts of otherwise low value.
It is all in how you look at it. I just don't think we can isolate ourselves and continue to tread on the downtrodden.
Not sure what kind of history they are teaching up there cowman but it was the US who kicked ass in Viet Nam and came home when we chose to.As for Iraq; ask Sadaam and his sons who won there.Now its just a question of whether we leave soon or if they force us to turn that whole region into a big empty parking lot.I recommend the latter.
"To Achieve World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions, and national identification"
Brock Chisholm,
Director, World Health Organization
I just think it is interesting in how you take this statement-- and compare it to the cattle/beef industrys and much of what is daily discussed on here...
There is no longer Canadian beef, its mostly now all generic USDA inspected beef passed off as US..Canadians say there is no Canadian herd- its a North American herd-- (loss of national identity)- many on here say there is no way to survive on your own, you need alliances now (loss of individuality)...Most youngsters no longer can afford to/or want to take over the ranch anymore when they can take 6 figure jobs out in the real world (loss of family traditions)...
There are many more examples already-- and this in the works corporate elite run North American Union will take the rest away from us.....
Oh you are a joker Willow Kreek,
"Not sure what kind of history they are teaching up there cowman but it was the US who kicked ass in Viet Nam and came home when we chose to"
They obviously teach a better standard of history than in the US where your foreign policy seems to be based on history and current events as portrayed by CNN and the Disney Corporation.
Willowcreek I do believe a lot of what you said in your last post to do with world govmt and can see a lot of it in action with the packers as a lot of producers sold thier souls for a few sheckles. And now there are those that are trying to dismantel the CWB so they can jump in bed with the multi national grain companys by pretending they can go up against any and all compaption and they too will sell for a few sheckles.
I dont agree with you on many points but I still admire the fact you are at least standing up for what you believe in not like the whimps we have representing the canadians.
...i agree also horse on your comment...but to say r-calf is taking control of their industry is laughable at best...now if they were practicing what they preach by supporting their own industry from cow-calf to packer to retail and show by doing they would be alot more credible...by using the tactics they are... is no better than the ones that portray the free market systems most know do not exist...
cowman- No wacko militia member--In fact up until 7-8 years ago I used to laugh at the folks that portrayed this stuff as wackos myself....Until I saw that what they had been predicting and saying was happening- was actually happening...The 10 mile across strip of land was being bought across the US to run a freezone hiway- built by foreign governments-- the Chinese are building the ports in Mexico-- our countrys are selling out our ports and highways...etc, etc...
The good news is that one of the biggest opponents of this North American Union and takeover of our form of governments by a Corporate elite run dictatorship, just announced yesterday he is running for President... Senator Tom Tancredo...I don't know if he can make it- but at least his campaign may enlighten many more to what is happening......
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