Now I don't quite understand bare with me?
A SD rancher buys calves at a local sale barn. I assume the sale barn checks for brands when they recieve the cattle? No brands?
The sale barn obviously must have a record of who sold the cattle? That owner should be able to explain where he got them...whether he bought them or raised them?
Why do I get the distinct impression these are American cattle...who "somehow" picked up a Canadian tag? You haven't been doing some night riding lately have you Willowcreek? With a good rope and your eartaggers?
A SD rancher buys calves at a local sale barn. I assume the sale barn checks for brands when they recieve the cattle? No brands?
The sale barn obviously must have a record of who sold the cattle? That owner should be able to explain where he got them...whether he bought them or raised them?
Why do I get the distinct impression these are American cattle...who "somehow" picked up a Canadian tag? You haven't been doing some night riding lately have you Willowcreek? With a good rope and your eartaggers?