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Cresrud--Tysons New Partner

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    Cresrud--Tysons New Partner

    Heres a website that will give you the info on Tysons new partner..You should take a look at this and then tell me Tyson etal isn't trying to vertically integrate the global cattle industry...Do you think they will really give a diddle about Canadian or US cattlemen in a few years when they're no longer needed? Not if they can ship their generic falsely labeled beef in here cheaper....

    I just wonder how much of this corporate buy in was done with Canadian BSE disaster payments?


    Not only the disaster payments but the money that Rcalf helped put in their pockets by yapping about a closed border and it's affect on American cattle prices. While Cargill and Tyson continue to enjoy and manipulate any and all border issues and reap the ONLY rewards. American producers have gained virtually nothing from the closed border you old fool.

    You know Oldtimer - I've been wanting to ask you for a while now. How much do you and the Rcalf dodo's claim that the closed border propped up your cattle prices? Do you even realise - you crusty old fart - that the border was only closed for a matter of a few months. For the rest of this BSE fiasco - your buddies at Tyson and Cargill have been stealing Canadian cattle and pumping the boxes south to your customers. AND - if it would not have come from us - it would and will come from some other trap line that Cargill and Tyson have, or are in the process of setting out.

    The border is not the issue Dipbrain - never has been - except for the fact that you and the R laugh gang have been helping Cargill and Tyson by deflecting the attention from their **** job with your ridiculous - SAVE AMERICAN LIVES - BS.

    You are an amazing critter Oldtimer - Your knowledge of the industry seems to grow a tiny bit from time to time due to reading the threads here on good old Canunkleville, but your blindassed protectionist views stop you from seeing the big picture even when you post articles like the one you just posted here.

    Sorry for the name calling cowman and the rest of you Canadian gentlemen-----


      rKaiser- you must need the same medication that old ~SH~ on ranchers is on...You need to get that prescription checked if all you can do is name call- cause the pills ain't working...


        You are right Oldtimer - the name calling is as uncalled for as the BS you call "industry intelligence" on your part.

        Read the post again and substitute "sweet old man" for every name I called you. Easier than changing the whole thing now.


          Just go have a couple toddies- makes things look better....

          But that is interesting who Tyson is teaming with--brings back memories- Tyson, Clintons, Soros, Espy-- all thieves and all thicker than thieves...And thats who will end up owning the worlds cattle industry....


            Okay - I will agree with that - after a couple Tylenol - no toddies tonight - big cattle show day tomorrow.

            Now if only I could get you to agree that Canadian ranchers are not the enemy nor do they have any part in ruining the American ranchers livelihood. AND that the propaganda that Rcalf pumps out about cherry picked BSE science is only feeding the border manipulation issues that Cargill and Tyson have figured out completely in their favour. --- Including the testing issue that holds not only Canadian cattle but North American cattle captive in their opportunistic world.


              Well kaiser- I think one of the big dividing points between US and Canadian cattlemen might be a moot point pretty soon--as I look for the M-COOL law to be fasttracked in the next few weeks if not sooner...That will at least give US cattleman an identity to their product and an ability to compete with these upcoming cheap Argentine imports and the cheaper imports from all over the world.....


                I'm not sure what the problem is with this joint venture? Don't we basically do the same thing here?
                Doesn't Cargill/Tyson feed cattle and slaughter them now? In Canada and the USA?
                I actually don't understand this. A private company producing a product and selling it...how is that evil? Aren't all the "mini marketers" on here doing the same thing...on a smaller scale?
                If Cargill can raise a calf cheaper than me...well good for them? Isn't that how a free enterprize system works?
                The Canadian government has always interfered in the domestic market. If the price gets too high in comes the imports, food safety or not...and down go a few more Canadian cattle producers!
                I think it is important to realize that your federal government is really not all that concerned about farmers in this country? In the big picture they are very insignificant and actually a nuisance!


                  Willowcreek: I checked out Cresud’s web page at:


                  I would thank you for bringing Cresud to our attention. I would recommend everyone to visit this website and see the future of the cattle business. Now what I mean by that is this outfit seems to have its act together. Clear business plan including business plans for each production unit. Economies of scale, professional management, publicly traded. If anyone here has any vision of the Argentina beef producer as backward third world gaucho out on the pampas this web site will be an eye opener.

                  This web site gives us one view of the future of the cattle industry. And like Ebenezer Scrooge who was given the gift of three visits in order to be convinced to change this web site may be just the first visit. It will no doubt take a couple of more ghosts to get producers to actually change. A few producers like Willowcreek are too old to change and are doomed to wear the chains of protectionism they have forged during their lifetime as they, like Bob Marley, will have no other fate than to wail at R-Calf meetings.

                  Change is coming folks, it is either get on the bus or get out of the way. North American, and I mean that not Canadian or American, producers need to get their act together. Either we will learn to stop bickering and get along, form alliances with our natural and obvious counterparts or we will fall by the way side. Willowcreek thinks MCOOL is the shield that will save him and others like him from change which is what R-Calf is really fighting about. However change is inevitable and will not go away just like the Canadian producer will not go away and for that matter Argentina and South America is here to stay too.

                  On an individual basis it is time for me to get out my business plan and touch it up a little after seeing what Cresud has. And I for one do have a written business plan, you cannot farm without it any more whether you are a family farm like me or a public corporation like Cresud.


                    Great post farmer-son, you are a true Canadian Gentleman. Would that business plan have room for another look at the BIG C producer ownership idea? We are presenting, once again, to the Provincial and Federal governments due to the ever revolving door in those institutions, and will obviously need ranchers on side to make any headway. Thus our previous attempts to side with ABP. I know that the BSE testing issue has always been our thorn in their side and am not so naive as to believe that testing alone will change the way Canada goes about the beef business.

                    Testing is part of BIG C's business plan --- always has been. I think it could set our model apart from Cargill and Tyson enough to give us a jump start in the further processing area that will be a tough nut to crack. The war chest is full, and all new startup's are struggling. Something needs to be done to set these new plants apart and give them even 5% of the advantage given to Cargill and Tyson in Canada over the years.

                    I will read the Cresrud page farmer-son. When we have completed our newest proposal that we are taking to the provincial Ag minister, will you read it without the Cam Ostercamp bias that has built over the years in the gang camp at ABP?

                    By the way - wonderful description of Oldtimer and his Rcalf group. Made a point without the redneck emotion that finds it's way into my fingers.


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