You did not prove to me Cowman how little money was being made by the packers. This is a very well guarded secret - remember the inquiry into packer profiteering? When the packers basically told the Government of the country that there was no way they would comply? Kind of like Willy Pickton refusing to go to the police station to be interviewed on suspicion of mass murder and the police saying "oh well, ok then we won't pursue this any further." Personally I think they should have had 60 days to comply or be told to conclude their business and leave the country. It has also been pointed out before that the companies are called Cargill Foods and Tyson Foods - they do a lot more than kill and box beef.
As to your other points:
"Marketing, processing, advertizing all have a cost?" - yes they do but producers like us pay a huge part of the marketing and generic advertising cost of beef through the beef checkoff.
"Reduce the supply and there will be more dollars chasing less product...what happens? The price goes up!" - er well no, not really. What happens in this global marketplace is they import a little more beef from offshore specifically to destabilise our price here. This is their protection against having to pay any price increase on fat cattle caused by a supply shortage.
"Cargill, Tyson, Safeway, and Sobeys never got where they were because they were stupid? They out competed all the other guys...and they did it by being efficient and squeezing every last dollar out of the marketplace." - Again I would disagree. They out competed the other guys by externalising costs - a startup producer plant can't compete with one set up with Government money and allowed a monopolistic free reign of the industry. Consolidation in the food chain sectors beyond the farm gate has allowed a few companies to dominate. Once in this position they don't have to be efficient. Primary producers on the other hand, the survivors, are many,many times more efficient - they have had to be to survive.
As to your other points:
"Marketing, processing, advertizing all have a cost?" - yes they do but producers like us pay a huge part of the marketing and generic advertising cost of beef through the beef checkoff.
"Reduce the supply and there will be more dollars chasing less product...what happens? The price goes up!" - er well no, not really. What happens in this global marketplace is they import a little more beef from offshore specifically to destabilise our price here. This is their protection against having to pay any price increase on fat cattle caused by a supply shortage.
"Cargill, Tyson, Safeway, and Sobeys never got where they were because they were stupid? They out competed all the other guys...and they did it by being efficient and squeezing every last dollar out of the marketplace." - Again I would disagree. They out competed the other guys by externalising costs - a startup producer plant can't compete with one set up with Government money and allowed a monopolistic free reign of the industry. Consolidation in the food chain sectors beyond the farm gate has allowed a few companies to dominate. Once in this position they don't have to be efficient. Primary producers on the other hand, the survivors, are many,many times more efficient - they have had to be to survive.