There is a lot of research going on with various grasses? Switch grass is the most popular because it has a natural polymer...which could result in a bio plastic? There is also research going on about splicing this gene into other grasses?
Corn, wheat, maybe barley are not the end of the game...only the start? But you have to start somewhere? Canola might not be the best oil for bio deisel...hemp looks even more promising? But again you have to start somewhere? And all these products will replace food production!
I have been involved(in a very small way) in a bio gas project. It is truly amazing how fast the technology is advancing...and prices coming down? A farmer east of Red Deer is starting construction of a small plant this spring and it is quite innovative and cost effective! He is not chasing the electricity market but will be producing scrubbed methane gas right into the NOVA pipeline!
Corn, wheat, maybe barley are not the end of the game...only the start? But you have to start somewhere? Canola might not be the best oil for bio deisel...hemp looks even more promising? But again you have to start somewhere? And all these products will replace food production!
I have been involved(in a very small way) in a bio gas project. It is truly amazing how fast the technology is advancing...and prices coming down? A farmer east of Red Deer is starting construction of a small plant this spring and it is quite innovative and cost effective! He is not chasing the electricity market but will be producing scrubbed methane gas right into the NOVA pipeline!