frenchie-- You mention the loopholes that remain in both our countries feedbans... I agree- and there lies one of the main reasons that the US should not be importing cattle from a higher risk country...USDA has said from day one our strongest barrier against BSE is our quarantine/import rule...
Why should the US cattleman expose the US cattle herd to a higher risk-- when there is no gain.....
frenchie.. but you don,t know that Cdn cattle are higher risk ..You need to test at least 1400% more cattle to even match our testing rate or even the right type of cattle meaning the 4D,s
Further to that you need to let the inspector general do the testing she tells the truth.
Why should the US cattleman expose the US cattle herd to a higher risk-- when there is no gain.....
frenchie.. but you don,t know that Cdn cattle are higher risk ..You need to test at least 1400% more cattle to even match our testing rate or even the right type of cattle meaning the 4D,s
Further to that you need to let the inspector general do the testing she tells the truth.