I will apologize for suggesting that your mind was manipulated farmer_son. I respect your thoughts but am simply frustrated with your position.
I will however stand by my statements blaming CCA/ABP for Canada's position on testing. I sat in front of the late Ag minister(thank heavens for the late part) and looked him in the eye when he said he took direction from industry, and industry in Alberta was ABP.
Have you seen Charlie Gracy's rebuttal to the Hugh Lynch/CCA BSE positon yet farmer_son? I don't have time to summarise it for you, and it would likely be easier if you searched it out yourself.
I will however stand by my statements blaming CCA/ABP for Canada's position on testing. I sat in front of the late Ag minister(thank heavens for the late part) and looked him in the eye when he said he took direction from industry, and industry in Alberta was ABP.
Have you seen Charlie Gracy's rebuttal to the Hugh Lynch/CCA BSE positon yet farmer_son? I don't have time to summarise it for you, and it would likely be easier if you searched it out yourself.