canada did find one more bse case
it was a 7 year old so not to make any more headlines
willowcreek you did not have the whole story.
remember canada did test over 150.000
animals mutch higher than u-s-a and canada reports allcomprehensives measures !
we have the best up to date CFIA control and animal identification
of north -amerika .
we are not hiding anything about our
surveilliance progam in place
it was a 7 year old so not to make any more headlines
willowcreek you did not have the whole story.
remember canada did test over 150.000
animals mutch higher than u-s-a and canada reports allcomprehensives measures !
we have the best up to date CFIA control and animal identification
of north -amerika .
we are not hiding anything about our
surveilliance progam in place