with the history of cattle trade between canada and the states the last thing the usa needs is for canada to test everything. every positive canada finds now just erodes american credibility. it doesn't do canada any good either but the rest of the world knows how things work willowcreek. you don't think the japanese are saying, 'well, canada found another; the americans should have found seven.' you can crow over our positives but they are just as detrimental to america as they are to canada. otherwise you'd be sending beef all over the world by now. it seems the usda's coverup isn't working.
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...some day when our brains unfreeze...lol...some day the cow-calf producer will figure this out when he has time from his new job to reflect back and wonder why...the govt have spent millions of dollars again on ad hoc programs and where are we today...same prices as 03...and yes i do blame govt...but then again they only listened to who they thought were the voice of the industry...
Everybody knows that a vulture will hang around to pick a carcass clean. Sometimes you have to wonder if we are all better off if the government paid us for all our old crocks and buried them. Start over. No one in Canada wants to eat them anyway( at least knowingly). If we don't do something drastic here soon,the vultures or the packers will have all of carcasses picked clean. They are stealing these cows and UTM cattle before our very eyes and we are all held hostage to them because our government doesn't have the stomach(picked clean too) to take these drastic measures. This would defintely have a positive effect on our markets. Feeders would rebound because of greater heifer retention and fed prices would rally as well because more competition for less numbers around to slaughter. Would we risk alienation to the consumer? At one point maybe yes, but as each new case of BSE pops in the coming weeks, months or years we are slowly eroding the consumers confidence anyway.
Therefore it is my opinion and this is all it is, for our government will never back this, LET THE SLAUGHTER BEGIN!!
For once I would back the Government - absolutely no need to embark on a ridiculous slaughter plan given the minute incidence of BSE in Canada. Only a few R-CALF jackasses are getting excited because they think someone may pay attention to them for a few days again. Not often the spotlight shines on Hicksville, MT. Consumers have confidence in our beef, politics are the problem.
I agree. BSE is absolutely ridiculous. But tell me what is going to turn things around. We are approaching 4 years and have things improved? Our industry will not survive if we are forced to sell fed cattle at a 200-250 dollar per head discount to a US equivalent. I recognize that a mass cull will not happen, but I ask what else is there that can be done which would totally turn things around for our feeder and fed cattle markets overnight.
Willowcreek: The point is this bull wouldn't have been found in the USA...because you don't test anything!
Keep screaming to keep the border closed to OTM cattle. Keep yelling for MCOOL. Cut your own throat.
Our testing program is a surveliance program? The science says if you remove the SRMs the meat is totally safe? Now I know you don't agree with that but every country in the world does...?
Picture this: You don't allow OTM cattle in. Instead we ship it in, in a box? You really can't stop that from happening...we'll take you to the trade tribunal and win?
Now how about on top of that we finally decide we'll test these older cattle before we send the beef down? And don't laugh at that one....if you don't get that border open soon I suspect the pressure will increase up here where the government can't ignore it! Then you have beef on your grocery store shelf marked BSE free product of Canada? Then a very driven ad campaign spelling out the facts...like how USA beef is not tested? Maybe how the science says, in fact you haven't been looking and instead have been covering it up? Well you get the picture? I hope your pet food industry can take your surplus.
The alternative is to get on board with BIG C and push the government to allow testing for export markets. We are getting closer every day. Two new Ag Ministers in Canada these days - ask them what they think of the issue.
Imagine Ranchers Beef testing the cows they are killing and sending the meat from those cows south of the line to American buyers. Do you think America could hold out in the world's view if we offered BSE tested product?
Time for the trump card is long overdue.
cowman-- I think you should be testing-- I've said so for months...Test-- go get the Asian markets.. The less cattle you have to send down here to get the USDA stamp so it will sell, the better...
But you know you won't-- your cattle organization members are spineless--your CFIA and our USDA are tied to Tyson/Cargil etal- and they say no to testing...So it won't happen..
The good thing is if Canada did test and USDA allowed in tested beef--they would have to let Creekstone and the other small US Packers that want to...
And cowman- it is hitting all the consumer magazines and websites again--the dangers of Canadian beef- and how the consumers should oppose the USDA's proposed rule on BEEF, support M-COOL, and eat only grassfed beef...
You will hear the uproar from Congress in the next few weeks after all their home constituents have time to contact them....
I just wonder how long Canadian consumers can/will keep confidence in Canadian beef...USDA predicts Canada will find at least 20 more positives--will #15 be enough for the consumers- or #20- or #30..Or how much has this #11 shut off demand???
Willowcreek: Don't be so sure. You have no idea what is going on up here? This industry is close to "free fall"...that will happen when your trading partner shuts you out with spurious court cases, inneuendo, etc.
The world is watching?
Maybe you don't care...hell good old American beef for the American consumer, right? Wrong. Good old Australian, Argentine, Mexican beef for the American consumer!
I am not a BIGC member, the boy is and the money comes out of the same bank account! I BELIEVE what they are trying to do...I'm trying to retire.
You keep that damned border shut after August and get ready to reap the whirlwind....and every other country in the world will applaud!
It is ignorant people like you that make Americans the most hated people in the world?
If you ever go on a vacation outside the US you should give me a call so you can get a Canadian pin to wear on your lapel...so the waiters won't be pissing and spitting on your food.
The most "hated" people on earth....really? How about the "people" who saved the world by winning two world wars.The "people" who stood alone against the commies and even now are standing virtually alone against terrorism!
How about the people who an over inflated idea of their importance and contribution to world history? Saviours of the world - give me a break...
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