Looks to me that the cattleman across the US all have concerns about the Rule 2 and don't support it as it is written.....
National Farmers Union
“In the interest of U.S. producers and consumers, USDA should withdraw the proposed rule to expand Canadian beef and cattle imports. The department should also move to immediately implement mandatory country of origin labeling which would allow consumers to make an informed choice of where their food comes from.”
NCBA is reviewing the proposed rule along with a detailed economic and scientific analysis developed for NCBA members as we work to shape our comments. At last week’s annual meeting in Nashville, NCBA members did not reject the USDA proposal, but adopted a policy voicing concerns about its possible impact. The interim policy adopted February 3rd demands permanent identification of all live cattle imported from Canada through harvest, and calls for USDA to develop an orderly market transition plan before expanding the scope of cattle and beef imports from Canada.
“This demonstrates just how ridiculous and premature it is for our government to be considering even further relaxations of our import standards that would allow into the U.S. imports of Canadian cattle older than 30 months (OTM) of age, as well as the government’s intention to allow into the U.S. beef products from Canadian cattle of any age,” Thornsberry continued. “OTM cattle in a BSE-affected country bear an inherently higher risk for the disease, so R-CALF calls for the immediate withdrawal of this proposed rule.
National Farmers Union
“In the interest of U.S. producers and consumers, USDA should withdraw the proposed rule to expand Canadian beef and cattle imports. The department should also move to immediately implement mandatory country of origin labeling which would allow consumers to make an informed choice of where their food comes from.”
NCBA is reviewing the proposed rule along with a detailed economic and scientific analysis developed for NCBA members as we work to shape our comments. At last week’s annual meeting in Nashville, NCBA members did not reject the USDA proposal, but adopted a policy voicing concerns about its possible impact. The interim policy adopted February 3rd demands permanent identification of all live cattle imported from Canada through harvest, and calls for USDA to develop an orderly market transition plan before expanding the scope of cattle and beef imports from Canada.
“This demonstrates just how ridiculous and premature it is for our government to be considering even further relaxations of our import standards that would allow into the U.S. imports of Canadian cattle older than 30 months (OTM) of age, as well as the government’s intention to allow into the U.S. beef products from Canadian cattle of any age,” Thornsberry continued. “OTM cattle in a BSE-affected country bear an inherently higher risk for the disease, so R-CALF calls for the immediate withdrawal of this proposed rule.