I agree wholeheartedly, Randy that some should not be too quick to judge a personal ad and in fact to this very day, I would be willing to come right out with any amount of passion it took and defend right to the death that you and I, on paper are the most compatible pair I have EVER met and believe me I think I've met waaaay more people than most people care too.
Not that I feel I need to explain myself or get overly judgemental, but no doubt, Copper, just in case you're interested, Randy is all down-to-earth-hunky, classy, All Alberta cowboy. Knowledgeable, kind, passionate and compassionate and if I had been literally at any other place in my life rather than at the exact point and circumstances under which we met, we would still be together beyond simply the loyal friendship that we share now. It wasn't him, it was me that was beyond help at that point and without him I might still be. Well, maybe still am.
Git writing Wilson, more ammo for your book. The stuff country songs are made of!
Was just wondering Randy, I have no shame in my past, present or future, just wondering why you're wandering into your past and out loud for all to see on the internet even on the most romantic day of the year. Someone got a gun to your head, you missin' me or are just bored beyond belief?
Or are just out to tease poor Copper or heaven forbid, Wilson? Don't answer that!
Have a good day all, I'll be waiting for my royalty cheques!
Not that I feel I need to explain myself or get overly judgemental, but no doubt, Copper, just in case you're interested, Randy is all down-to-earth-hunky, classy, All Alberta cowboy. Knowledgeable, kind, passionate and compassionate and if I had been literally at any other place in my life rather than at the exact point and circumstances under which we met, we would still be together beyond simply the loyal friendship that we share now. It wasn't him, it was me that was beyond help at that point and without him I might still be. Well, maybe still am.
Git writing Wilson, more ammo for your book. The stuff country songs are made of!
Was just wondering Randy, I have no shame in my past, present or future, just wondering why you're wandering into your past and out loud for all to see on the internet even on the most romantic day of the year. Someone got a gun to your head, you missin' me or are just bored beyond belief?
Or are just out to tease poor Copper or heaven forbid, Wilson? Don't answer that!
Have a good day all, I'll be waiting for my royalty cheques!