grassfarmer- the bulls were some real low birthweight black angus-- 3 are sons of New Design 878 out of Blockbuster cows- the other a son of LCC New Design G204 out of a Eayrs Traveller (6807) bred cow that has a history of easy calving...Have used for 2 years and they have been very easy calving- the only big calves I get are out of some of these purebred hereford cows, and their F1 baldy heifers ( I had a 108lber out of a 3rd calf baldy a week ago)...Her hereford mother had a 90lb heifer this year...Few years ago one of those herefords had a 148 lber out of another set of bulls....Rest of the calves from the purebred angus cows or heifers have been running pretty much in the 75-85 lb range...
Sometimes I think it is the heterosis kicking in a little early..
Nice thing is that even those that pack a little birthweight are shaped good that they still slip right out...
Anyway everything worked out good- both momma and baby are getting around good enough I kicked them out onto the grass this morning...
Sometimes I think it is the heterosis kicking in a little early..
Nice thing is that even those that pack a little birthweight are shaped good that they still slip right out...
Anyway everything worked out good- both momma and baby are getting around good enough I kicked them out onto the grass this morning...