Grassfarmer, I think you might be right on well managed rotated pastures as the infection cycle would tend to be broken through the rest period (larvae have no cattle on the paddock to infect). I am not so sure on larger more extensively managed pastures as cattle are free to return to their ice cream patches repeatedly.
For us, on our one large piece the oiler helps to create better livestock distribution. We don't put any insecticide in it (just UFA light THG) and by moving it around it does create better forage utilization.
I think anyone who is corraling cows for the winter should consider IVomec (or other products), and calves going on feed should probably be done (just my two cents). Cattle that are out over the winter I am not so sure.
For us, on our one large piece the oiler helps to create better livestock distribution. We don't put any insecticide in it (just UFA light THG) and by moving it around it does create better forage utilization.
I think anyone who is corraling cows for the winter should consider IVomec (or other products), and calves going on feed should probably be done (just my two cents). Cattle that are out over the winter I am not so sure.