If you want to call "it" a lurking evil fine, but the truth is "it" is the reason that you and I struggle to get those kids through college and pay those bank loans. "It" is the reason that even you are thinking about alternatives. If "it" was all fine, we would be moving ahead like almost every other industry in the world besides primary agriculture.
I love your idea of supporting or collectively owning hundreds of smaller processing plants, and even meat shops. The whole spread out and lie down approach is truly a good one. Might even be an easier sell to ABP/CCA then the one plant proposal.
And then, I would agree that generic advertising would do all of "us" some good.
I love your idea of supporting or collectively owning hundreds of smaller processing plants, and even meat shops. The whole spread out and lie down approach is truly a good one. Might even be an easier sell to ABP/CCA then the one plant proposal.
And then, I would agree that generic advertising would do all of "us" some good.