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Canadians in the Dark?

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    Canadians in the Dark?

    Here's the link: http://www.mexidata.info/id1456.html
    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Canadians in the Dark About SPP Union with the USA and Mexico

    By Kevin Parkinson

    · The purpose of the Canada-USA-Mexico meeting in August, at Montebello, Quebec, is to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

    In less than a month’s time, on August 20, the most powerful president in the world will be arriving in Montebello, Quebec, for a two-day conference. President George W. Bush will be meeting with Stephen Harper and their Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon. So far, the silence from the Canadian and American media has been deafening.

    Talk to 90 percent of people on the street and they won’t know about this upcoming conference, and if by a slim chance they do, they won’t know the purpose of the meeting or why the leaders of Canada, the United States and Mexico are meeting in the dog days of summer under what amounts to a veil of secrecy.

    So, what’s this upcoming conference all about, and why are the newspapers, radio and television keeping silent about it?

    The purpose of the upcoming conference is to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America, which was initiated by Bush, Martin and ex-President Vicente Fox in 2005 in Waco, Texas. Essentially, this so-called ‘partnership’ will result in what the politicians refer to as ‘continental integration’ — newspeak for a North American Union — and basically a harmonization of 100’s of regulations, policies and laws.

    In layman’s terms it means that once this ‘partnership’ has been ratified, which is a fait accompli, we will be following in the footsteps of the European Union. It will mean that Canada will become part of the North American Union by 2010, and that our resources, agricultural, health and environment issues, to name a few, will be controlled not by Canada but by the government of the North American Union.

    A huge ‘NAFTA’ highway, one quarter of a mile wide, is already being built in Texas, where private land is being expropriated, and will eventually reach the Manitoba border.

    Water will be the ‘issue’ of this century, as more than 25 states in the United States are currently in desperate need. Where do you think they will get the water they need?

    The United States is already guaranteed 60 percent of our natural gas resources from NAFTA, which means that even during emergencies, when we need energy, we will have to import it, while we are forced to export gas to the U.S. This is just one example of how Canada is being shortchanged, and it’s only going to get worse.

    Why has there been absolutely NO public consultation on the biggest issue (North American Union) facing Canadians since Confederation? Why isn’t Guy Lauzon, our local MP for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry, holding town hall meetings, bringing in cabinet ministers and explaining how the emerging North American Union will affect our Canadian way of life? Ask the citizens of Canada for their feedback. Isn’t that how democracy is supposed to work?

    Folks, I suggest that Mr. Lauzon isn’t even aware of the SPP or the North American Union, which explains why the Conservative government has denied all Canadians information to which they are entitled. If he does have something to say about it, then let him raise the issue in our riding.

    Furthermore, the example of the North American Union illustrates that our government claims to be democratic — but in fact does it act like one, or does it prefer to make the big decisions at committee level behind closed doors, while masking its real intentions?

    The ratification of the SPP, and the emergence of the North American Union, have been organized entirely by government committees and private enterprise. I refer readers to my website at www.realitycheck.typepad.com for further information on the North American Union.

    If our citizenry allows the North American Union to come into existence, then our way of life will change drastically, for the years to come. With privatization of our resources, increased foreign ownership, and a Canadian government with less and less authority, our children and grandchildren will become ‘North Americans’ and our quality of life will drastically decline.

    The founding fathers of Canada must be rolling over in their graves.

    What does it really matter? You $&#@* Americans will do, take, steal etc whatever you want, whenever you want it. If you can't have it through coersion, then you still have the Marines.

    Our politicians are all idiots, or puppets of the Big Oil, or Agribusiness.


      At least you won't have to worry about the new US M-COOL law - It won't be long (2010) and King George will have your country taken over and products of anywhere coming in thru the North American Unions southern Mexican border...Be flying the NAU flag and using the Amero for currency....All the real laws will be being made by the John Tysons and George Soros's of the world...King George (after declaring himself Presidente for life, since he feels no one qualified to succeed him in this new huge venture) will just run the wars and conquests those elitist folks need to keep expanding their bankroll... Probably the first action of North American Union Assembly President Soros and Agriculture Commissioner Tyson will be to do away with any M-COOL....So M-COOL will be a moot point....

      And in exchange for all this cheap Mexican labor and the privilege of being Americas little adopted brother along with Mexico- all you have to give up is your sovereignty and most laws as they exist now, natural resources (including your timber, wildlife hunting, minerals, water, oil, and the other 40% of natural gas that NAFTA doesn't already take), all that worthless podunk Canuck heritage, and maybe your first born if Mr. Tyson can't get enough Mexicans to move into the cold weather and run his sweatshop meat plants.....


        "worthless podunk Canuck heritage" ??????

        I shouldn't even respond to such drivel, but....

        Puleeezzzzz...... I wouldn't trade for the American heritage any day for anything. You can keep that for yourself.


          Kato do you think King George-- or Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz,Kissinger, Soros or any of the other elitist bunch that are trying to sneak this NAU into place will care one bit about Canadian heritage?

          Unless its bankable,sellable or compounding interest- they could care less...The Maple Leaf may become one of the shortest lived flags in history...


            all this coming from a man who will not look at the video's of the world trade center being demoloished by????????????


              Now, now boys and girls; try not to get your nationalism in a knot when Willowcreek points out the truth. It was bound to happen sometime.

              Of course, the truth is also that Americans gave up their rights to 'freedom' and democracy a long time ago, and the non-election of King George was just a blatant manifestation of same.

              NAFTA and all of its fellow travellers like SPP are designed for only one purpose - to strip governments of the power to enact laws that might interfere with multinational big business. This includes environmental protection laws, labour laws, farm subsidies, anti-monopoly laws etc. Chapter 11 of NAFTA was designed for, and has been used successfully, to force the Canadian government to repeal laws that interfered with the conduct of business by multinationals in Canada. Ditto in the US (believe it or not).

              NAFTA has resulted in the loss of approximately 400,000 jobs in Canada and over 1,000,000 jobs in the US in the manufacturing sector. Many of these jobs have been replaced by lower paying jobs in the service sector. Many have not.

              This is not about national borders. This is about rampant abusive capitalism (Cargill, Olin, Monsanto, etc. and especially the big banks) taking control of 'democratic' government out of the hands of the unwashed voting masses. All for your own good, don't you know.

              So, yes Willowcreek you are right. With NAFTA we gave up the right to any control whatsoever over investment in Canada and we can now be bought and sold at will. Just like the average American has been bought, sold and manipulated before and since the days Dwight David Eisenhower warned the nation about the dangers of the 'military-industrial complex' and the threat to liberty it represented in his farewell speech. Eisenhower was right. You may be right. The point is, what are you going to do about your own loss of democracy and freedom to the multinationals? Keep knocking Canada? It may all be good clean fun, but the truth of the matter is that we are all in this together. How's your Chinese?

              What was that famous motto? Oh yeah: 'E pluribus unum'. The multinationals figured that one out years ago, shortly after WWII. You can't argue with the results. Cargill and the rest seem to be doing rather well. Can individual producers say the same? Time to jump on the international producer unity bandwagon Willowcreek, because it looks from here like all producers, Canadian and American, may be on their way to becoming a postscript at best on the multinational agribusiness 'success' story.


                you can continue on with your nationalistic rants but we will continue to evolve into a more global economy and not less...

                ..the EU is becoming a stronger power, balanced by the jet fueled growth of ChinIndia.....stronger continental trade seems the likley response to north america's weakening position in the global trade......

                and as for exporting jobs.....we have a severe skilled and unskilled labor shortage here in western Canada, I cannot speak for Eastern Canada, but if they need work they should move....we cannot support further expansion of any labor based industry for we have not the people to fill the jobs....Mexico has the people and a much lower standard of living to motivate them to work and improve their position......this is a logical place for econpomic expansion of labor intensive industries that might have a chance to compete with the overseas markets...

                I am a proud Canadian and Albertan, but I am also proud of the accomplishments of our southern neighbor, the world's longest standing consitutional democracy with the such great protection of invidual rights and freedoms, a dream country for a libretarian like me....

                our governments should use the full force of the existing anti-competition clauses.....on this front i beleive the US legislation is superior, to ensure that there is balance and competition in the market place....we must hold our legislators accountable on this point....our government's role in the economy is to tax only for the public good and regulate so as to protect the public from unbridled corporate or personal greed....


                  Good post Mr. Pallet...And the reason I worded it the way I did was to raise some hackles- stir up some folks to start asking some questions of their politicians and hopefully build up some opposition to this new world the Corporate multinationals want to make for us....

                  There is a huge populist movement building in the US- growing very fast- very protectionist and blaming most of the happenings on the global trade, but in doing so encompassing in the ever increasing wealth structure between the working man and the elites that the Corporate world is building....

                  So far this movement blocked the Corporate supported King Bush law giving amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants, and has almost got the M-COOL law enacted...They've also been able to get 362 Congressmen to pass a bill against funding or building any "NAFTA superhighway"....

                  Hopefully one or two Canadians on here will question and light a torch in the Canadian Parliament...
                  Might be too late-- but I hate to give up without a fight...
                  Besides that I grew up with "God Save the Queen"- only now learning this "O Canada"- I would hate to start over with some new NAU song--especially if its all in Spanish....


                    You could have started the thread with "Canadians following Americans in the dark" Oldtimer. Where do you think this whole global corporate thing started? As for your movement away from corporate control; maybe Rcalf could look back at all of the help they have given to Cargill and Tyson since the border opened to boxed beef and join that movement themselves.

                    The best part about globalisation is that those who favor it can depend on simple human nature to perpetuate it. Fear and greed feed globalism and the "New World Order grads who Chaney and the gang consult with all took one semester on psychology to learn that simple rule. I have always said that Rcalf is more of a representative of the producer than NCBA or our CCA sheep except for the fact that they will not stop helping fill the pockets of Cargill and Tyson while these power hungry wolves devour more and more competition on both sides of the border.

                    As far as Canadian heretige - hell it's the same as American anyway - we all took it from the Indians. And we have an ace in our back pocket Oldtimer - It's called Quebec. If George gets too pushy we can just join them rather than have them wanting to separate from us all the time.LOL


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