I am in the process of starting a "naturally" raised beef project.I was wondering which,if any preventative herd health vaccines are allowed to be used.My biggest concern is blackleg.Is anyone out there not needling their animals at all?Any advice is greatly appreciated.Would also like to hear from other natural beef producers.Can contact me at countryguy_11@hotmail.com.
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Alberta Agriculture has a Feb 2001 Ag-Ventures Agdex 420/830-3 that outlines the differences in natural versus organic versus hormone free management practices for cattle. You may want to get this publication from your nearest Alta. Ag Office. It also lists some of the associations at http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/food/organic/directory/index.html. Hope this helps.
Thought you might find a producer sight of some use.
Take a look at www.gallowaybychoice.com
This is the site of some guys that are marketing natural beef. There is another person in Alberta that I am aware of that is doing quite a large business. I will do some digging and see if I can come up with a name for you.
Organic beef! What does this mean? Everyone has their own meaning of this term. It would bee fool hardy not to at least vaccinate for Clostridial diseases and BVD to avoid signifigant economic losses or production limiting disorders. What happens to an organically raised animal should it get pneumonia, foot rot, pink eye or dyatocia. Does it just have to suffer until it either dies or recovers. To bad they are not allowed the benefits of the knowledge of modern veterinary medicine! I will confess that implants are probably not necessary, however, one would consume more estrogens in a bowl of green salad than in the consumption of half a steer!
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