ahhhh...silverback...i neglected to include you in the ranks of the famous...or should i say IN-famous...
absolutely NOBODY in agriculture thinks ANY of this is hillarious...
to be honest with you...i have a ton of respect for you guys for fighting in what you believe...there are always two sides to a "socialist" type issue like this...and it seems...that just like unions...marketing boards have a time and place where they are effective...but they become fat and lazy eventually...and lose sight of their mandate...it IS possible that some sort of marketing board COULD (and i stress "could") be effective for cattlemen...and be mutually exclusive of the problems seen with the CWB...and in your defense..the CWB may have reached that "bottom of the top"...
my respect extends to all of you because you have reached the point where you are motivated enough to organize and DO something about it...and in an ironic sort of way...maybe while you are throwing YOUR marketing board out...the cattlement will be forming one...i dont know if it is the answer...everything is TOO dynamic right now...from weather to business..to be CERTAIN of anything...it IS a democracy...and like it as not...the single desk WAS voted back in...so i gotta respect whoever does the lobbying for the CWB as well..they did a great job...even YOU have to admit that...
there are some brilliant people on the beef side of things...many contribute here on the boards...GF...FS...Kato...Willowsprings...SMc...it will be interesting...to see how long it takes cattlemen to become as politically "solvent" as you plowboys...
in the meanwhile...it IS great entertainment...to read the antics on the commodity side...i tend to try and laugh quite a bit at life right now...because if i dont...it gets to me...so...i am not laughing AT you..i am laughing WITH you...vs
absolutely NOBODY in agriculture thinks ANY of this is hillarious...
to be honest with you...i have a ton of respect for you guys for fighting in what you believe...there are always two sides to a "socialist" type issue like this...and it seems...that just like unions...marketing boards have a time and place where they are effective...but they become fat and lazy eventually...and lose sight of their mandate...it IS possible that some sort of marketing board COULD (and i stress "could") be effective for cattlemen...and be mutually exclusive of the problems seen with the CWB...and in your defense..the CWB may have reached that "bottom of the top"...
my respect extends to all of you because you have reached the point where you are motivated enough to organize and DO something about it...and in an ironic sort of way...maybe while you are throwing YOUR marketing board out...the cattlement will be forming one...i dont know if it is the answer...everything is TOO dynamic right now...from weather to business..to be CERTAIN of anything...it IS a democracy...and like it as not...the single desk WAS voted back in...so i gotta respect whoever does the lobbying for the CWB as well..they did a great job...even YOU have to admit that...
there are some brilliant people on the beef side of things...many contribute here on the boards...GF...FS...Kato...Willowsprings...SMc...it will be interesting...to see how long it takes cattlemen to become as politically "solvent" as you plowboys...
in the meanwhile...it IS great entertainment...to read the antics on the commodity side...i tend to try and laugh quite a bit at life right now...because if i dont...it gets to me...so...i am not laughing AT you..i am laughing WITH you...vs