Fred Seimens was a recent MNP accountant and I read, is acting as the chief financial officer.
He was once with the WCE. He should be able to capably add,the receivables that begin to flow in from the various levels of government agencies you just listed.
As proven generous donors of your tax dollars, governments are always eager to submit timley payments, and new venturists are often more eager to record the direct deposit of your dollars.
Unless, of course,this farming project is created by dedicated volunteers assisting a have-not culture of our society. Pars
He was once with the WCE. He should be able to capably add,the receivables that begin to flow in from the various levels of government agencies you just listed.
As proven generous donors of your tax dollars, governments are always eager to submit timley payments, and new venturists are often more eager to record the direct deposit of your dollars.
Unless, of course,this farming project is created by dedicated volunteers assisting a have-not culture of our society. Pars