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Class Action Party

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    dfarms...dont play coy with WE here at agville...this is a cryptic message sent to the CIA...a random post on the commodity section of Agriville...i am going to painstakingly de-cipher it and show that you are nothing but a James Bond in carharts and boots...

    you already HAVE the lamborghini as part of the prairie farmer disguise...

    pilpilsner...surely you can see through this thinly veiled charade...the sinister conspiracy that lurks behind...

    and although it has been made EVER so clear several times...that vagabonddreamer knows LESS than nothing...i DO know secret agent stuff when i see it!!!!

    per....i will bring a guitar and a banjo...do we have a fiddle player?? CPearson will no doubt be the square dance caller...leading we the uneducated and unwashed through the steps and twirls of the dance we call commerce...(get the double entendre pars??)...and with a blush on my cheeks (as incorrigible as i am..lol)...i will high step with parsley before the rest of her agriville suitors has the chance...vs


      Randy, the Alberta Farm paper stated that yes this has been made a class action suit and can move forward. It also stated that the legal wrangling would take about many years to complete.

      Any proposed out of court settlement will require ranchers to sign a waiver absolving the Government of any liability from the past, present, and future problems surrounding the BSE crisis. Be careful what you sign.


        I play the banjo too Vagabond. In fact I know a lot of people who balance on the fence between normal and ab who play music ---- HMM.

        Any harmonica players out their in Agriville-land

        How's that hubby of yours and his fiddle Kathy.

        Yes I realise that signing off with the feds will not give us a chance to sue over the FACT that BSE is an individual poisoning rather than a transmissible disease.

        But the time thing is definitely what this is all about Kathy. Yes it would take years to get this thing settled in court, and I can not even imagine the number of years it will take to get the world to change their tune on the true cause of BSE.

        I'm personally on the edge --- in more than one area of my life LOL. Do you think that I should stop raising cattle the way my banker suggests, or work with Mr. Pallett to put some coin in my jeans and the jeans of every cattle producer who is debating the cattle rearing subject themselves?

        Once again, I applaud your standards and the fact that you are standing behind your beliefs on this one Kathy, but I simply cannot afford to do that. And I don't think that many can.

        I love this business and only have one life to live out my career. I think??LOL

        Maybe this admission of fault by the feds will get more people thinking about the transmission theory in general and more research will be generated into what I too believe is the true cause of BSE.


          ha, ha vega, great to see some humour once in a while!


            If this thing drags out lets have a pre party party. Salmon, Steak, music, prose and conversation with our peers. Looking forward to it.


              per...thats a great idea...there will be a group of us NORMAL peers....and then GF, F_S, rkaiser, kato, will form the "elite" peer group...they will look down their noses upon us...from their lofty ideals...and have plato-esque converstaions that we will neither understand or be privy to...

              but..we will pick and grin and kick our heels like the redneck cowboys we are...vs


                "Normal" sounds good - can I be in the "normal" group?? please?? just this once?


                  Gf, you can mingle in both groups. Maybe you can interpret the goings on in the elite group for the rest of us.lol


                    Me interpret? that's funny - even if I could understand the rantings of the elite the normal folks likely couldn't understand me!


                      Elite? LOL LOL LOL (we really need smileys here) A bit off the wall, maybe. Always in trouble, for sure.

                      I can bring the best tomatoes on the planet, if we wait until July.

                      I printed out a few letters to the PM, and put them in envelopes and took them to the auction this week. Everyone I gave them to was quite enthusiastic to send them in. I was a little concerned that there are a lot of people out there who don't know what's going on even now. One guy didn't even know about the lawsuit. A lot of cattle folks seem to think that this whole thing is something that's going on elsewhere, and that they have no say in it. I will print more letters....

                      How's everyone else doing with the letters?


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