dfarms...dont play coy with WE here at agville...this is a cryptic message sent to the CIA...a random post on the commodity section of Agriville...i am going to painstakingly de-cipher it and show that you are nothing but a James Bond in carharts and boots...
you already HAVE the lamborghini as part of the prairie farmer disguise...
pilpilsner...surely you can see through this thinly veiled charade...the sinister conspiracy that lurks behind...
and although it has been made EVER so clear several times...that vagabonddreamer knows LESS than nothing...i DO know secret agent stuff when i see it!!!!
per....i will bring a guitar and a banjo...do we have a fiddle player?? CPearson will no doubt be the square dance caller...leading we the uneducated and unwashed through the steps and twirls of the dance we call commerce...(get the double entendre pars??)...and with a blush on my cheeks (as incorrigible as i am..lol)...i will high step with parsley before the rest of her agriville suitors has the chance...vs
you already HAVE the lamborghini as part of the prairie farmer disguise...
pilpilsner...surely you can see through this thinly veiled charade...the sinister conspiracy that lurks behind...
and although it has been made EVER so clear several times...that vagabonddreamer knows LESS than nothing...i DO know secret agent stuff when i see it!!!!
per....i will bring a guitar and a banjo...do we have a fiddle player?? CPearson will no doubt be the square dance caller...leading we the uneducated and unwashed through the steps and twirls of the dance we call commerce...(get the double entendre pars??)...and with a blush on my cheeks (as incorrigible as i am..lol)...i will high step with parsley before the rest of her agriville suitors has the chance...vs