I play the banjo too Vagabond. In fact I know a lot of people who balance on the fence between normal and ab who play music ---- HMM.
Any harmonica players out their in Agriville-land
How's that hubby of yours and his fiddle Kathy.
Yes I realise that signing off with the feds will not give us a chance to sue over the FACT that BSE is an individual poisoning rather than a transmissible disease.
But the time thing is definitely what this is all about Kathy. Yes it would take years to get this thing settled in court, and I can not even imagine the number of years it will take to get the world to change their tune on the true cause of BSE.
I'm personally on the edge --- in more than one area of my life LOL. Do you think that I should stop raising cattle the way my banker suggests, or work with Mr. Pallett to put some coin in my jeans and the jeans of every cattle producer who is debating the cattle rearing subject themselves?
Once again, I applaud your standards and the fact that you are standing behind your beliefs on this one Kathy, but I simply cannot afford to do that. And I don't think that many can.
I love this business and only have one life to live out my career. I think??LOL
Maybe this admission of fault by the feds will get more people thinking about the transmission theory in general and more research will be generated into what I too believe is the true cause of BSE.
Any harmonica players out their in Agriville-land
How's that hubby of yours and his fiddle Kathy.
Yes I realise that signing off with the feds will not give us a chance to sue over the FACT that BSE is an individual poisoning rather than a transmissible disease.
But the time thing is definitely what this is all about Kathy. Yes it would take years to get this thing settled in court, and I can not even imagine the number of years it will take to get the world to change their tune on the true cause of BSE.
I'm personally on the edge --- in more than one area of my life LOL. Do you think that I should stop raising cattle the way my banker suggests, or work with Mr. Pallett to put some coin in my jeans and the jeans of every cattle producer who is debating the cattle rearing subject themselves?
Once again, I applaud your standards and the fact that you are standing behind your beliefs on this one Kathy, but I simply cannot afford to do that. And I don't think that many can.
I love this business and only have one life to live out my career. I think??LOL
Maybe this admission of fault by the feds will get more people thinking about the transmission theory in general and more research will be generated into what I too believe is the true cause of BSE.