Come on farmers_son that's all rather melodramatic. "The entire livestock sector in this province were gutted by Bill 43" How can it be such a terrible thing when you allow producers to democratically choose which organisation they wish to have representing them?
"The same government that is putting that farmer who shot the thief who was stealing his quad through the court system is the one and same government that is stealing our ability to have and fund our own livestock organizations." Please explain how it is stealing our ability to have and fund our own livestock organisations?
We can have them tomorrow just the same as we had yesterday - nothing has changed there. If the ABP is doing everything right as you claim it is and all the producers support it what are you worrying about? If what you believe is actually true ABP won't lose a cent of it's funding. The Government won't be stealing anything from you. If producers are disgruntled with ABP's performance they might direct their dollars elsewhere. This change leaves all the onus on the producer - allows them a more democratic choice and the Government isn't taking away money or choice from anyone.
I suspect why you are really concerned is because you know the chickens have come home to roost and many producers will redirect their levy away from ABP.
If this were somehow to signal the end of ABP (which I really don't expect to happen) you have just provided the perfect epitaph:
"Most of us would like the opportunity to vote through a plebiscite and however the vote would go would be fine."
Oh, the irony.... when the very same request was made in recent years by producers of ABP regarding the levy only for it to fall on deaf ears. Poetic justice!
"The same government that is putting that farmer who shot the thief who was stealing his quad through the court system is the one and same government that is stealing our ability to have and fund our own livestock organizations." Please explain how it is stealing our ability to have and fund our own livestock organisations?
We can have them tomorrow just the same as we had yesterday - nothing has changed there. If the ABP is doing everything right as you claim it is and all the producers support it what are you worrying about? If what you believe is actually true ABP won't lose a cent of it's funding. The Government won't be stealing anything from you. If producers are disgruntled with ABP's performance they might direct their dollars elsewhere. This change leaves all the onus on the producer - allows them a more democratic choice and the Government isn't taking away money or choice from anyone.
I suspect why you are really concerned is because you know the chickens have come home to roost and many producers will redirect their levy away from ABP.
If this were somehow to signal the end of ABP (which I really don't expect to happen) you have just provided the perfect epitaph:
"Most of us would like the opportunity to vote through a plebiscite and however the vote would go would be fine."
Oh, the irony.... when the very same request was made in recent years by producers of ABP regarding the levy only for it to fall on deaf ears. Poetic justice!